
Are you always this pedantic

It’s kind of incredible what a whiny bitch he is

How has this guy not gotten his shit rocked by another team’s goon yet? 

Sooo, the differences are that they have different gender coat of paint slapped on em? Even their dialogue is the same

I was intrigued by the RPG elements, but ugh. The combat looks so repetitive! I watched one clip where Kassandra whittled one dude down with the same move over and over. I got bored just watching it. Can’t feel too jazzed about playing it.  

“Don’t record a guy while he’s bein racist, bro” 

I’d forgotten this nitwit existed 

Damn, I really enjoyed the Wolf Among Us and their Batman titles. I’d hoped to see a Wolf Among Us sequel. Hope these folks land somewhere good, because that’s so sad to hear. 

So much wtf going on there. That’s not brotherhood or even funny. It’s just fucking sadistic. 

And because they’re fucking manbabies who don’t want to engage with these things any differently than they did when they were fucking kids. Learning about the world and themselves in a way that challenges what they learned as kids is something they resent than maybe more than anything else. Because you’re right, I got

Holy tl;dr Batman! did a generation of sociopathic manchildren like him get made? I have some theories, but what is the scientific consensus here? Calling this petty and childish and petty is an insult to childish and petty people. This is so insane and embarrassing to witness. 

What’s wrong with getting the best defenseman in the league for a cup run? Their cup window isn’t going to be open forever. Gotta make moves like this to make the final push from decent middle round exit team, to true Cup contenders. 

I dig this. I agree with the author’s point that Rinoa and Squall’s relationship is NOT an example that should be followed, but it was that relationship that made his arc. 

Djokovic seems like a cunt

You are being pedantic, and it’s pretty irritating. Do you do this shit in person too? 

I’ve read stuff advocating a “reverse pyramid” plan, ie do your heaviest weight in your first set before you’ve tired yourself out, and then decrease weight on each subsequent set. I’ve never tried it, but my friends who do it swear by it. Just plain “pyramid” lifting is better than not lifting at all, I’m sure. 

Ooooo, a real live Pats Fan that All These People Were Talking About encountered in its natural habitat: Spewing dumbass vitriol in an internet comments section! 

You sound a bit trollish

wHaT iF iG wAs SmArT?