
That’s a rather poor analogy. What’s a “non-Daniel role”? The name of an actor has very little to do with the character, but it would be difficult for a black actor to play Bond without the character being black, unless in-universe he’s just doing blackface or something. (Also, in a world where people named Daniel

James Bond Jr. WAS attempted so...

Yeah, I don’t cotton to arguments that a role that has traditionally been played by men should always be played by men, but James Bond is just not a particularly great character. Having a women play the role might be interesting, but it seems like it would be discordant more than anything.

James Bond is a Commander in the Royal Navy. Average age of which these days is around 42, so given a bit of cinematic licence mid/late 30's would be about the perfect age for anyone in the role.

remember how much shit craig himself went through just for being blonde? he got cast the year twitter came out and all anyone could talk about was how much a travesty it was that a blonde man was bond.

Remember the shit storm when they made an all female Ghostbusters?

I don’t think Idris Elba would be very good at playing a woman as James Bond. 

That’s basically my take on the “why can’t a woman be Bond?” discourse. Why would a woman want to be Bond? He’s kind of a sad Cold War relic whose (toxic? depends on the interpretation) masculinity is pretty central to the character.

i think 10 years ago that could have been cool, but the ship has sailed. he’d be over 50 by the time it gets going.

I know I would much rather see something like Black Panther which is by and about POC that tells stories from their perspective than “It’s James Bond but he’s [record scratch] a Lady!?”

My biggest issue with Skyfall is that it’s Craig’s third movie and they’re already playing up Bond as a decrepit dinosaur on the verge of retirement. I guess there’s some commentary there about how quickly spies burn out, but it’s jarring when Casino and Quantum are supposed to be like his first two missions ever.

I’m sure he’s at least a little Libertarian, but I take everything else with a pinch of salt. I think the other writers enjoy building up his legend, and I get the sense he himself enjoyed saying “provocative” things he didn’t necessarily believe.

Fuckitall, I’m doing that thing where I paste quotes, completely without context.

“You’ve read your last complimentary article this month. Fork over money or you can’t read this.”

I liked this one:

love that he seems like an ad man at heart. i hope this is him trying to sell the frank burly rights for 100 million or something.

Nothing wrong with horse stalls, when you think about it. Horses like them.

This man IS a Simpson's character.  Insanely contradictory kinda deranged rarely seen genius.  I mean the guy wrote several beautiful environmental episodes and yet is apparently anti environmental.  Truly a character.

This guy is responsible for making me laugh more than any single person, probably. The interview was so damn funny. What a great thing to wake up to on a Sunday morning.