
He’s such a piece of shit.

I thought it was pretty accepted that when super rich people have charities, those are usually just a way for them to funnel money back into their other enterprises. Twas ever thus.

I’ve read a comment from a child: if one person can be CEO of so many companies, CEO must not have much of anything to do at all.

While I can’t say this is $44B worth of entertainment, I’m absolutely having a blast watching a narcissistic billionaire do his best “Sideshow Bob walking onto every rake” impression while taking something like the blue checkmarks, the solution to a verification problem, and turning it into the problem it was designed

Musk is either so stupid he didn’t see this coming, or so malicious he doesn’t care and is trying to blow up Twitter for some reason. Probably the latter, really.

As a mid-40s gay, it makes me feel ancient but so, so glad that the world is different from when I was in school.

For a thousand dollars I will fart directly in your face.

Should we humans really be the dominant species on

I honestly had to look up if I was reading some joke article, but no, oh no this is real.
She earns (/earned) money by selling nothing. Absolutely nothing. Yeah, yeah farts...oh fuck off. For 1000$!

In all of my pop culture years, I never made the connection between Boba Fett and the Rocketeer - guess Johnston likes helmeted characters with rocket packs.

Well aren’t you hot shit. 

I wonder what the overlap is between people who think this is the future and people who think fangames are pointless because they won’t make money.

I’m not even 40 yet, and I find myself yelling at several clouds per day recently.

Yep. You can read stories about popular games streamers who literal just burned out gaming all the time. Once you feel forced to do something to earn a pay check it can stop being fun real quick.  

... but then it becomes work.

I can’t tell if you’re being facetious or not, but that alone tells me all I need to know about whether I should look further into NFTs outside the odd Kotaku article.

I’m almost 50. I’m getting to that age where gaming is going in directions I don’t like. That would mobile, in game purchases, streaming and now NFTs. Soon I’m gonna be that old person yelling at a cloud. 

Aside from the blockchain responses, they’re making it sound like these would actually affect the game. As in, you could pay to win your NFT, so that you always win (until the publisher puts out a more powerful NFT, but they sold you the most powerful one ever, so they would never do that, right?)

It’s not even they’re obfuscated by wealth, haves and have-nots, really. They’re just obfuscated by the understanding that, eventually, at some point, for a business to be successful, it needs to have a product that a customer is interested in purchasing.