
I wonder if still exists...

I used to like that movie, and never realised he was one of the voices until this comment. Not going to want to watch it again now. :(

It’s possible that some people are just, you know... nice?
If there are negative stories about Gaiman, he’s famous enough that they’d probably have come out by now. The worst I’ve seen said about him is that he’s closely related to major Scientologists (though probably not one himself).

If his lawyers told him that, he needs to get better lawyers. By comparison with other developed countries, getting divorced in the UK is relatively unfavourable to the richer partner (which I’m guessing is Gaiman here). Rich people here often try to start the divorce somewhere else like Germany or Russia instead.

Most talent-imbalanced couple since... Katy Perry and Russell Brand?
(And I say this as someone who actually likes a fair bit of Palmer’s music.)

Hi! No problem for the slow reply, I’m always replying to months-old comments myself. :) Great casting suggestion! :

I’m clearly in the minority on this one, but for me it was Quantum of Solace which was the one that really dropped the ball. I think its production was affected by a writers’ strike, and it shows - there barely is a plot to speak of. And as someone else already commented, the fast-cut direction makes the action scenes

That’s Dame Diana Rigg to you!
Mustn’t forget also her small but hilarious cameo in Ricky Gervais’ ‘Extras’.

I admit I never watched the film as a whole, so I’m only going by the clips of it I’ve seen on Youtube, but I think Dafne Keen is way stronger than Dakota Blue Richards in the role. She doesn’t capture everything of the Lyra in the books (which is probably more down to the writing and direction choices) but she does

Yeah, this is one thing that the screen versions make you realise just does not work. You’ll note we’re never shown the bears locking and unlocking Lyra’s cell door, or crafting or putting on their armour, or firing those cannons... and it’s not really imaginable how they could have done so. Maybe they have some bear c

I keep mentioning the stage version, which must be frustrating for those who never saw it, but that’s what they did! They cut out at least half the plot of The Amber Spyglass, having the spyglass itself be something Serafina Pekkala had all along.
In fairness - there was more than enough story already without adding

In the stage adaptation, that scene was one of the most heartrending moments of anything I’ve ever seen. I really hope the show does it justice.

Just posted on this above, but it possibly belongs here instead: I think it would be really interesting if the show explored the idea that racism is less of an issue in Lyra’s world than ours, or at least it applies differently.
(But given the limited amount of screen time, the amount of plot to fit in, and the

On the racial diversity, I’m pretty sure the BBC have an explicit policy of colour-blind casting as much as possible. That seems to be their general approach with adaptations, e.g. their recent take on Les Miserables had a black Inspector Javert.

It would be interesting if this series actually made it a plot point,

Hi. I’ve seen the first two episodes, and the second one in particular spoils some major plot elements from the second book! Based on that, I’d encourage your kid to read the whole trilogy before starting the series. :)
(I’d say it is overall appropriate for 12-year-olds, though some of it will likely go over her

Kinda sad world we live in then; when having a video of your loved ones getting shot in the head streamed live on the internet, and being immortalised via copies perpetually circulated by nazis, is something we have to accept is just ‘gonna happen from time to time’... 

One has to wonder who thought letting anyone instantly distribute a live video of what they’re doing right now to the whole world was a good idea...
If this keeps happening (and it will), the only practical solutions are pre-moderation for all livestreams, or banning streaming entirely. Enjoy Twitch while it still

If it wasn’t her and Trump, it would have been someone else and someone else. The swamp was already out there, just waiting for someone to, er, monetise it. (Can’t quite make the analogy work but whatever.)

‘Trent Reznor’ looks like a backwards name itself.

There have been plenty of films and TV series made about them. The 1970s BBC series Fall of Eagles is one I’ve seen recommended.