
I used to subscribe to that, but came to realise that sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.

I can’t be the only one who totally missed that the Justice League movie has already been and gone. And I’m sure at least half the people who actually saw it have also forgotten it.

And then his wife and kids abandon him, and his pants fall down in public and he pisses himself. Maybe that would do it.

Senator Kelly tried that in X-Men, and it didn’t work out too well for him...

Worked out for Bowie, who apparently received $55 million upfront from the deal, although the albums underperformed...

No, it really wasn’t. It didn’t sample Gaye’s song or have the same melody. A few of the beats are similar, but that’s about it. I’m no fan of Thicke, but that judgment was a shambles.

Say what you like about him (and personally I suspect at least 2/3 of those anecdotes are made up), that sonofabitch could write.

Presumably that means we’re never going to see The Last Dangerous Visions, then...

You may be right that these are good stories, I’m not familiar with them. But it’s sad that the big comics companies have to invent new characters to tell queer storylines, rather than daring to give one of their established characters a canonical same-sex romance. (With very rare exceptions.)

Count me among them... I missed out on Moonlight, but remember thinking, ‘there’s no way in Hollywood that’s going to be a happy story’. Especially after it won the Oscar. May have to check it out after all.

Roseanne Barr is a former comedian who was once the star of one of the highest rated sitcoms on TV, but is now an embarrassing crank. It’s OK, her peak was long before your time.

Ahmed Best deserves your sympathy too, perhaps more than any of them.

Would that be Babylon, mentioned in the article and linked above?

Unless he was drunk/high the whole time he was making it, I don’t see how Gibson’s substance abuse problems are much of an excuse for the film...

I’m not sure if there’s a better example in recent years of the stupidity of the rating system. Of course, if there’d been a single shot of Jesus’ dick in there, no doubt that would have bumped it up to NC-17...

I don’t really know what you’re talking about here; to me she still looks like a Hollywood actress. Only by the absurd standards of that town could she be considered unattractive.

I think he’s one of those great ‘hey, it’s that guy!’ supporting actors, who isn’t usually in a big role (Rome and Outlander excepted) but always does something good with it.

I only find it disappointing compared to the rumoured casting of Hugh Laurie (who was also in The Night Manager!). Although honestly he’d have been too old compared with Olivia Colman. They can always use him for a later season...

I don’t think the paper Onion is available in my country. I must have been reading the website for over a decade before I realised there was a physical edition.

He was definitely a huge racist, at least by the standards of 20th century Presidents. IIRC, he was such a fan of Birth of a Nation he played it in the White House.