
It’s pretty relevant this time, though. Like Back to the Future Part II, it’s hard to watch this movie today and not be reminded at least a little of Trump. (And like BTTF, it wouldn’t surprise me if he was actually an inspiration for it.)

She’s definitely an icon in the fetish scene. This movie inspired many people’s imaginations.

I think that’s fair. I’d say it’s a very interesting film, and hella fun to watch, but not really a good movie. Or even a good Batman movie.

I love this movie, but I don’t know how the fuck the producers and WB people let it through and be marketed as a kids’ flick!
Maybe they didn’t watch it?

Captain America is literally a soldier. I can see how it feels a bit weird, but to me using guns entirely makes sense for him. He only does it when he doesn’t have his shield, though.

I’m not sure I could call it the best Batman movie - the Nolan films are technically better made, and Returns is just so damn silly and incoherent. But it is arguably the most fun to watch.

Ah, the good old ‘blame the agents’ line...

Retroactively correcting pay gaps would be one way of correcting systemic bias (though it would be better not to create them in the first place...).

Claire Foy was arguably less well known than Matt Smith, but was not a ‘nobody’ when she was cast. She was also playing the title role.

Until this article, I literally forgot it had been released already. It came and went with barely a ripple in the popular imagination.

Which is mentioned in the article. Though I’ll be generous and assume it was added after you posted this comment...

So... it was filmed in southern Russia?

I don’t want to be That Guy who’s uncomfortably precise with his definitions of ‘paedophilia’, but strictly speaking it isn’t. It is certainly both illegal and morally wrong, though. 

It actually *is* an intentional feature. Many users don’t want to be too easy to search for.

This comment may be a reference to Lori Mattix, a woman who said Bowie took her virginity aged 14 (before moving onto a relationship with Jimmy Page). If true, that may or may not be ‘paedophilia’, but it’s pretty skeevy. On the other hand, it was the 70s...

Sorry if this comment was intentionally ironic, but don’t they do that already?

I was going to say ‘who was David Tennant’s famous parent?’ but I looked him up, and apparently his dad was Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, so that checks out.
Marginally talented, I’ll accept.

Given that the shows are set hundreds of years apart, it should sound different! Consider how different spoken English was a couple of hundred years ago from today. One of the strange things about the Trek universe is how little cultural evolution takes place.

I liked it when I first heard it, but on re-listen it does not hold up as one of the better themes. It needed a faster pace, a different singer, and a much stronger melody.

That was a wise choice.