
You forgot the exclamation point. It’s “Star Wars prequels forever!” Imagine it like I’m shouting it at you from a moving car.

So Bob Fosse was aiming at the lowest common denominator in his films? None of the classic MGM movies can hold their own with other studio system movies of the time? Making a film of Sweeney Todd (which, even if it ultimately doesn’t work for me as a film, is a stage musical that has never had massive long runs and no

I think that’s true of a lot of genres, though. There are a lot of superhero movies that know the less demanding fans will be happy to see some cool action and/or comics references and/or quips (depending on the source), so that’s all they need... but it’s still entirely possible to get movies like Black Panther,

Based on the comments here, I kinda feel like maybe Blues Brothers is the most beloved musical among people who do not like musicals very much.

Now playing

Musical film reached its apex in 1980. Modern directors should think about the consequences of their actions.

Yeah, i’m pretty sure the “real tragedy” is Michael Jackson raping children.

Please stop defending him in any way shape or form. There are no mitigating circumstances with child molestation. He was a scumbag predator whose deeds rest solely on his own shoulders. Of course he had help-but no one was forcing him to destroy these boys’ lives.

Money is a powerful thing, sadly. It allows you to pay for silence (quasi-legally) in the face of severe crimes, or hire enough lawyers to intimidate anyone who would seek to retaliate.

We’re gaslit by this one because there are no ‘perfect victims’.  The kids were often pimped out by their own parents to Michael.  Money perverted the truth in bribes and gifts.  The same victims who took hush money in the past are now able to tell their stories with some hope of being believed.  But due to the money

I’m just surprised it took this long. I was honestly starting to doubt that he’d actually done anything because no one seemed to be coming out with anything about him. I assumed he’d have been one of the first to be taken down after Weinstein.

Came here for this comment.  The ‘80s called, they want their gay stock photography back.  

Speaking of rainbows, I really wonder why it was necessary to use that picture at the top. I’m gay, and exhibitionists wearing thong-kinis in a parade does not represent my emotional life or identity at all. Especially about a grim and traumatic topic like conversion therapy.

Also, just because people tell you that you’ve helped them doesn’t mean you really have, in the long run. Many if not all are surely in denial. A lot of those people may have a similar story to his own to tell in five years, or ten: realizing their marriages to a person of the opposite sex are untenable and coming out

Yup, he’s having a hard time accepting that his life’s work to date sums up to torturing a lot of gay and bi people and nothing more.

“One of our conversion therapists turned gay! Do you know what this means, Tom?”

I just read his full post, and will break with my usual thoughtful caution and go with the hot take. Fuck this fucking guy.

“I know my work helped many, many people because they’ve told me so,”

From what I’ve read about Laurel and Hardy, there wasn’t a lot of interpersonal conflict until Laurel’s contract ran out with Hal Roach ahead of Hardy’s and really even that wasn’t that much of a conflict -- that might be part of the problem here. I’ve always gotten the impression that Laurel as a movie subject is

A) By the time stars have the clout to make these kinds of insider-y vanity projects for on one in particular, they’re often too old to star as the young/rising versions of the subjects, and B) The declining years are probably cheaper to produce - more moping about in fewer locations. Those multi-scene “top of their