
It’s time to go back to the fuchsia!

He didn’t star in a film called The Tall Guy for no reason...

Supposedly when he toured the Enterprise set while filming his TNG appearance, he passed the warp drive and commented ‘I’m working on that’...

Didn’t all comics characters in the 90s look like that?

Does Mother! count?

IIRC, Jurassic Park was actually about a heist during a hurricane. Nedry would have gotten away with it too if not for those meddlin’ dinosaurs.

It would probably not work well on film. Not for a story supposedly set in ‘the real world’, at any rate.

She stated that Dumbledore was gay (which is implicit in the book anyway) but I don’t think she said they were a couple. I assumed it was a copy of the Professor X/Magneto relationship, i.e. an extremely close and intimate friendship that turned into rivalry.

Will Ferrell’s less successful son?

JK Rowling has a long history of not giving keeping her canon internally consistent. So yes.

I kind of have the exact opposite feeling. The fantastic beasts were the only part of the first film that I enjoyed, the Grindelwald stuff was boring (and we all already know how it ends anyway).

Well, if you’re going to remake a film (or rather make a new adaptation of something), may as well choose a good one. 

Zero’s a percent.

Apparently a 2009 critics’ poll voted it the best British film of the last 25 years. I can think of a few other claimants, but I’m not going to disagree.

Also: just about the only scene of the film which was actually shot in Edinburgh.

I mean, he’s not wrong about the Daily Mail...

I probably should have put a smiley there. I’m just as much a nerd as everyone else here, just about different things. :)

Dame Judi Dench read it better in Skyfall.

Holy shit, movies have women’s breasts in them? I’ve wasted my life...

As a hater of both, I happily mock all of you. Neeeeeeerrrds!