
Agreed on the first. Domhall Gleeson has obviously made some sort deal with the devil for fame, and I guess the devil’s taking his due.

Isn’t that true of every giant monster movie though? Who doesn’t cheer for Godzilla?

I had the opposite reaction - Leia was OK because she was only onscreen for a second, but when those CGI characters are given longer screentime as with Tarkin, the fakery becomes glaringly obvious.

As they say on TV Tropes, ‘Sci Fi Writers have no sense of scale’. None of those numbers should be taken very seriously, they really just meant ‘an arbitarily long distance’.
I think it was JM Straczynski of Babylon 5 who gave the more honest answer, when asked what speed his starships travel at: “They travel at the

Doctor Who has the advantage of being a show about time travel, so any inconsistencies (and there are many) can be explained away as time paradoxes yet to be resolved, and other such shenanigans. (I mean, Star Trek can do that too, but it has less of an excuse.)

Has it really been a century since The Dark Knight? Now I feel old.

Even at the time, there were people who complained that was undeserved and only won because the Academy wanted to reward the most successful film.
Personally, while I loved RotK, I think Master and Commander (also up that year) might have been the better film.

That reminds me, I still need to read that one. Don’t spoil it for me. :)

Gatiss is fine as long as he’s made to stick to acting, and isn’t allowed anywhere near a script.

The first season had at least one terrible episode as I recall, with awful Chinese stereotypes. I’m pretty sure the show had more bad episodes than good ones overall.

For the record, some countries in Europe (Germany, at least) still have licenced brothels today. Depending on your point of view, these may or may not be the days.

But I still watch TV in the evenings! I’m a man out of his time...

I remember not getting much further beyond the early scene where he gets ‘sleeved’ into a female body so he can experience brutal rape and torture. I mean, that makes total logic in the setting, but damn was it unpleasant to read. I’ve read that they’ve changed that bit for the series, not surprisingly.

This is an inherent problem with all pre-Internet science fiction. One of Iain M. Banks’ books has a similar scene with a social elite participating in secret orgies of gross deviancy, which to modern eyes reads like pretty conventional BDSM.

Up to a point, I agree. But on the other hand, when it comes to filmmaking: there’s no inherent human right to work in Hollywood. And as we’ve seen, it’s an industry that gives powerful figures plenty of opportunities to prey on the vulnerable. For that reason, I don’t think it’s unreasonable that someone like Salva

All the more shame, then, that he robbed himself of the chance of that‘healing’ and treatment, and robbed his victims of the possibility of any kind of reconciliation.
I do have a measure of sympathy for the guy, but let’s be clear - assuming it was suicide, no one forced him to kill himself.

I am not an expert of any kind in these field. But I have read that there are some treatment programmes that are at least somewhat effective in reducing reoffending. Not changing someone’s sexual orientation as such - that’s very difficult or impossible - but helping them to manage their urges and exist in society

And murder doesn’t ruin someone’s life forever? Did you read the comment you’re agreeing with?

My favourite misuse of the term was after the cast of Hamilton expressed their fears about the new administration to Mike Pence, and the twat-in-chief himself complained because he thought theatre was supposed to be a ‘safe space’. His actual words. Apparently even the most mildly expressed political criticism is now Z

I can’t be the only one who came across Childish Gambino through streaming, having no idea who he was, and just thinking ‘damn, this guy is talented. Then I discovered who was behind it and was even more in awe.