
I can’t wait until Trump dies fucking.

But what have the Romans ever done for us?

Hang on, what did Disney do to Chewie? They saved him from death-by-EU!

Honestly, I think The BFG was my favourite of Spielberg’s recent films. But Lincoln was probably a better film.

Well, it had three female leads, but they did spend a lot of the time in skimpy costumes. So... it was ‘feminist’ in the same way that Charlie’s Angels was.

There isn’t anything to stop the Democrats just flat-out boycotting the SotU, is there? Just don’t even turn up to it. Why give Trump a free audience?

One review of this movie noted that it’s the kind where the phrase ‘running time’ is to be taken literally.

How this doesn’t have more upvotes I don’t know.

Strictly speaking, wasn’t Capaldi the Doctor for several million years?

You could argue that line, and perhaps the BBC were considering it - Capaldi is arguably the biggest name to have played the role in recent years. But just think about how awful that would have looked. (And it’s not as though Whittaker’s exactly an unknown, either.)

Probably because he’s done several films with gay themes? I’m pretty sure that’s what he always wanted people to think about him.

What bugged me about this scene (and I’m sure someone is going to explain this...) is that in The Force Awakens, when the Millennium Falcon jumped to lightspeed inside another ship, it passed through it without problems. Yet here the almost-same manoeuvre caused the destruction of both ships. If the science in Star

I know some people on the LGBT spectrum who consider the show’s popularity with straight audiences somewhat ‘problematic’. I understand there are some fierce arguments there, that I’m not remotely qualified to comment on. All I’d say is, better a ‘problematic’ depiction of queer culture on TV than none at all.

If America had to elect a TV personality as President, why couldn’t it have been RuPaul? Oh well, maybe he can be Oprah’s VP...

Oh, bugger.

Counterpoint: no it wasn’t.

This rant was considerably longer and more annoying to read than Barsanti’s brief aside. How about you leave us alone and just let people talk about Steven Spielberg movies?

I disagree that any film Jolie starred in was as good as Ex Machina.

I guess I’m the only one who thought he deserved it for The Aviator?

Based on the rate at which the ‘legacy’ characters are getting written out, don’t rule it out...