
‘Wasted’? That’s such an odd attitude. I mean, the EU is no more fictional now than it was then... As Alan Moore wrote in a ‘non-canon’ Superman story, ‘This is an imaginary tale. Aren’t they all?’

Er, I agree, sorry if that didn’t come across. I meant, they should have changed the name much sooner, but better late than never.

The DGA’s former D.W. Griffith Award hasn’t been called that since 1999. Still too late, arguably, but I don’t think anyone’s still naming things after him now.

Mount Terror is also a volcano, and hence is the most awesomely named place in the world. (There’s also a Mount Terror in Washington, but it’s not a volcano, so not as cool.)

You mean the Trump presidential campaign? Me too.

Just another way of ensuring they never have to interact with a working-class person.

That’s true, but throw a rock in any American city and you’ll hit someone of whom that’s true. There probably are some people who would be less suited to the presidency than Trump, but I’m struggling to think of any at the moment.

I’ve become convinced that creating stupid memes is the only thing the Internet is good for. We were fools to try to use it for anything else.

Coincidentally, the Simpsons has been in decline so long it is now approximately as funny as someone with iMovie.

You assume YouTube actually wants to deter this sort of thing. On the contrary, they profit from it. The YouTube business model basically relies on people stealing other people’s content.

If anything, Notting Hill now is whiter than it was than when the movie was made, for reasons noted by Prince Ruprecht. So it’s actually become more accurate with time.

Olivia Colman, who’s playing the Queen next season, also played the Queen Mum in Hyde Park on Hudson.

What a bunch of clowns.

Mind you, the prequels could arguably have used more focus-grouping... from that perspective, maybe an overly ‘polished’, not terribly surprising film is the lesser evil.

Big Orange is working on it!

She’s spent more of her life in Scotland than England. Wikipedia just calls her ‘British’, which in the absence of separate English and Scottish passports, seems most sensible anyway.

See, you can’t just throw that sort of thing out without evidence. When did she say she wants a smaller state, or lower tax? At every election I can remember, she’s supported the Labour party, including the last one. If she’s a ‘centrist’ (which seems to be completely subjective), so are probably most people.


I should know better than to rise to this, but... no she isn’t. Like everyone else, she’s said some dumb stuff on twitter sometimes, but she’s always been on the left politically.

My favourite is the one that just says “this is not true”.