“I like messiahs who don’t get nailed to crosses.”
Long time anxiety sufferer here (ulcer diagnosis at age 10). One thing that sometimes works for me (if I don’t have to interact with someone at the moment) is to pick a random large number under let’s say 1000.... Then pick a small number under 10 and count backwards.... You have to focus to do the math and it can…
*See you next Tuesday.
I’ve never seen the film “Ghetto”.... Is it any good?
Petty, I know, but please spell/grammar check your signs people...
“Can I help you? What do you want?”...... DEAD!
Guster! I really liked a few of their songs.
Reminds me of the David Sedaris story about flight attendants coming through the plane to collect your cups and such.... “Your trash? You’re trash? Your family’s trash?”
Def needs more gay panic.... Not nearly enough in the trailer.
I’ve been to the Warren Buffet.... terrible food.
As opposed to “protesting” by wearing white, how about every journalist refuses to attend these “off-the-record” meetings and actually do their job.... you know.... reporting. It isn’t like they are talking to a source that must remain anonymous. They are talking to the PEOTUS... He should be on record all of the…
They would just jack off to that...
I prefer a live transmission...
And her range is as small as his hands?