Not only that... he got on top and she flipped him over so she was on top...
Not only that... he got on top and she flipped him over so she was on top...
“More..... More power!” you say?..... No problem!
Tell it like it is good sir!
This is a dumb name for possibly a good course... Talking about an issue shouldn’t be connected with polarization. I get it... And maybe these kids need to be hit over the head with a title for the course... But this isn’t helping.
FFS.... These fuckwits need to listen to Mommy...
Sorry.... Can’t help it.
Wait.... They get a lid after Trump is dropped off? COUNT ME IN!!!
Paging Marco Rubio’s Page... You now there is some hanky-panky (or at least a crusty hanky).
I will be using “bread spots uncovered by cheese” as often as possible.
Rabies is the PCP of the animal world.... Well.... The affects seem the same anyway. I keep waiting for him to take his clothes off and punch through a plate glass window.
And.... yet again I get to post this. Some one please get me out of the greys already...
Wait.... Did I see a token gay guy in that trailer?
Go on.....
“I have pressed the button and nukes are on their way to China as I type this.”
It amazes me how many times I can use this video in the comment section.
I thought Ass ‘n Titties was too obvious. Here’s a lesser known jam though.
I’m pretty sure that Shrinky Dinks... You know..... Shrink.
Then here ya go!