
Same x1000

Same, unless it’s some kind of specific destination planned out weeks in advance - and/or there’s a nice bar/waiting area where we can grab a drink - we’re always on deck to take a walk, try some place where you can get seated quickly.  We were just up in DC, had a place in mind, wait was 45 minutes, a quick check on

Slap in the face to the Shoveler’s Union.

I was actually confusing Edison with Harold P. Brown, who *did* electrocute animals (though not Topsy) during the War of Currents.

Though this is a popular story, it isn’t a true account. This happened years after the “current wars.” The elephant was strangled with ropes, poisoned and electrocuted, and Edison filmed it, but by this time he had moved on to other things.

I remember learning in school that Thomas Edison would stage electrocution demonstrations using AC current to “prove” that George Westinghouse’s proposals for widespread adoption of AC power were fundamentally unsafe. I remember being told this was fundamentally dishonest as it was far easier to kill someone with the

At work, we build our own DC drives (for industrial applications) and I can tell you that DC is much harder to break than AC (mainly because it never crosses zero). Both AC and DC can be dangerous.

Yep. Ac can sometimes make you shake, making it obvious you’re in trouble where dc can just make you freeze in place, so bystanders will have less of a clue

“Like any other retailer it has a hard time competing with Amazon.”

I’ll bet you drive a Corolla.

How have I never heard of that thing? I certainly wouldn’t be mad if that’s what the Bronco looks like.

I suspect that you are right and it will be an updated Troller. It makes a lot more economic sense to develop the next generation of that platform as a global vehicle, and to sell it in multiple markets.

What I read:

So is there a list so ordered?

I think the chronological order by storyline is more interesting and fun than release dates.. And it's a more immersive experience 

As a sociology professor at a big sports school, I am 100% behind this. Not because I want to coach (though I do have the flop sweat and meager pay!), but because these motherfuckers are always on tv talking about how they are educators, and that they’re teaching these kids, etc. And I’m always annoyed because they

I use mine for pizza dough more often than anything else and that alone justified the cost. It makes making entirely homemade pizza so easy.  I tell people I make my own dough and they look at me like I’m either insane or a glutton for punishment.  I don’t let them know it’s so damn easy because I like the

I hate the taste of tile grout! It’s too gritty!

Every time I’ve seen one of those on a baby I think the parents must be goddamned idiots.