
There is a national federation that standardizes the rules, regulations, procedures, and scoring of state and local athletic programs so that athletes can continue to compete at higher levels, (eg: state, regional, national, etc). State and local governing authorities have to adopt the national federation rules and

Social Media Editor that lives in Williamsburg and rides a Moto Guzzi with heat wrapped exhaust.

What’s it like being a living stereotype?


The Holocaust exhibit at the Imperial War Museum in London is one of the greatest museum exhibits I’ve ever experienced. It starts with a long hallway detailing the history of anti-Semitism in Europe, slowly sharpening focus down to Germany between the wars. As you go along, reading each new law enacted by the Nazis,

All rights worked for UPS, he should have been their spokesman.

Lmao!!! king of the comments.........

Two wrongs don’t make a right, but three all rights do make a left. 

Let’s rewind the clock to about 1980 or so. Reagan picks up the baton of an anti-government platform from Barry Goldwater, after Goldwater’s acolytes effectively assumed control of the GOP. What followed was a systematic expungement of anyone and everyone that didn’t toe the party line, ultimately leading to the

In NYC, where tiny 2-tops are everywhere, the thing that drives me bonkers is when the restaurant also insists on putting a candle on the table. FUCK OFF with that. Put in proper mood lighting or nothing.

Is it just me, or is that color absolutely beautiful on this Jimmy. I love crazy bright colors on rugged off road vehicles. Fun colors aren’t just for sports cars!

It’s easier to link to some videos than to write an actual article. If I wanted YouTube, I’d go to YouTube.

“long gun” literally means “not a handgun”

Deadpool 3: Some Bullshit After The Colon

I’ll take “childish and boring” over whatever the hell is going on with the nightmare dual interface looks that Windows 10 has. 

Thank you. That’s all I wanted. Ain’t nobody got time for that. 

And they can’t be arsed to tell us the answer in the article, of course.

So, spoilers:

It was (almost certainly) an ‘icequake’, icebergs calving off of an ice-sheet.

Pretty sure this is just Apple Health integrating with Epic MyChart, so if your provider is at an organization that has Epic, you can just use MyChart (there’s a site & an app).

Kelsey maintained his physique with a diet of tossed salad and scrambled eggs.

I have no idea if you’re disagreeing with me or not, but I laughed. Have a star.

Don’t worry too much- there is a reason the board book was invented, and it’s the fact that very young kids like to grab, chew on, and tear book pages. At this point, I think you are just setting the routine. Before long, she’s going to mimic a sound you make when you read a certain book, and it’s one of the most