
Chicken Mole...  It’s a make or break dish for a mexican restaurant for me.  If you cannot make a good mole sauce, why are you in business.

quick work with a knife and a spoon will do EXACTLY the same thing, and it won’t be another $10 uni-tasker in your kitchen drawer.

quick work with a knife and a spoon will do EXACTLY the same thing, and it won’t be another $10 uni-tasker in your

I just wish Jodorowsky’s Dune had actually been made.  I mean, Salvador Dali as an actor?  Orson Wells as the Baron Harkonen?

2 days after people started really understanding what a world of hurt we were in for in the country, my garbage disposal decided to take a crap. And since my kitchen sink is one of those HUGE ones with only 1 drain, that took it totally out of commission, as well as my dishwasher out of commission. I took all of the

You know, I am not a cross dresser, have no desire to be a cross dresser, am totally about as far away from a “Drag Queen” as it is possible to be, but this makes me want to put on a dress, makeup and go read to kids.

An AR-15 is a horrible gun for harvesting deer. The bullet is way too small, and not nearly enough charge behind it. It’s considered unethical. Much more likely to wound the deer and cause it unnecessary pain. Bad argument made by annoying people.

An AR-15 is a horrible gun for harvesting deer. The bullet is way too small, and not nearly enough charge behind it. It’s considered unethical. Much more likely to wound the deer and cause it unnecessary pain. Bad argument made by annoying people.

Here’s a question for you.  Why do you keep making videos that practically NOBODY wants?  Why do you not just write 1 sentence articles, because that’s all this question warrants...

Came here to post this.  You are fighting the good fight.  Why have a 2 minute video when a single sentence will do‽ Abu Zafar, do you hear?

Alternative opinion. Lightning is a better standard than USB-C. USB-C is inherently weaker due to the center bit of the female side of the connector standard.

Women lose their ever-loving mind. That’s the only reason any family would ever have more than 1. I love my son to freakin’ bits, but I have absolutely ZERO desire for a second. My wife was suggesting a second starting at 18 months.  We had to have a sit-down on why I would never agree to a second one.  Cliff’s

I am a hearing aid user here...  I use the blue squeeze bulb about once a week to gently wash out cruddies.  When I have gone to my audiologist, she has asked what I have been doing to keep my ears so clean.  She said to keep it up.

Next video.  How to BLOCK FACKING VIDEO “ARTICLES” FROM YOUR RSS FEED.  Stop it with the video “Articles” that COULD have been summed up in a 2 paragraph text article and have been read in most likely under a minute.

or, drink fresh coffee... Coffee starts to seriously lose it’s natural sweetness after 10 days out of the roaster. (for whole bean. Ground? ~10 minutes) Darker roast is more bitter. Lighter roast and fresh is actually naturally sweet with no need for sugar. As a bonus, it also has the highest caffeine content.

You’re in B-Ham?  It took me 10 hours to get from the corner of GreenSprings and Valley to the Russet world neighborhood.  Good times. Most of the day it was “let all the idiots with bald summer tires and no snow experience polish up the ice to a sheen, crash and get out of my way” then I would just wander through and

YES!  This!  Be prepared, run them ragged just before the flight, have activities, and let them know what is expected!  (Also, 1 kid is the appropriate amount of kids, because then you, your spouse and your kid are a typical row of 3 seats and not subjecting anybody else to your family and not subjecting your family

Meh, kids are cool, as long as the parents are half decent humans. Flight from BHM->Boston->Rome->Boston->BHM this summer with my then 3 year old in the 2nd row back from the bulkhead. He slept the entire flight. The infant in the bassinet in the bulkhead row slept the entire flight, the 5 year old behind us

bought the last 5 cars new, and let me tell you why... Price out a Toyota Tacoma in reasonably good condition, or a Subaru Tribeca, or a Jeep Wrangler... Those hold their value ridiculously well. It was cheaper for me to special order my Wrangler in the color I wanted with the options I wanted than to buy a 2-3 year

I had the same experience!  I took shop in middle school, too!  Band Saws, lathes, even a forge!!!!  In highschool we had “Autoshop” available to us, but I didn’t take it as my the time I was a freshman, I had been involved with 3 engine swaps with my dad, and countless hours of oil-changes, carb rebuilding, and radio

My wife and I had this discussion before we had our son.  No steering them towards toys specifically marketed to boys or away from toys marketed to girls.  We do our best not to differentiate, and I regularly tell him that his mommy is my superhero.  My wife is the primary bread-winner in our house, and that is just