
It’s the last one.  ALWAYS.  They answer they give might be different, but the last one is always the reason.  Death to all dealerships.

The “article” literally says that in the video he will show you how to do something.  This is not an article, this isn’t even a synopsis!

Do the good work, man!

I despise short videos that can be described with 2 paragraphs.  It clutters up the web, and makes it so I cannot read a quick article in 20 seconds.

In my house right now, there are 4 analog clocks. Including a 120 year old mantle clock and a 6 month old Amazon Echo clock. I have an actual spring driven analog watch on my wrist.  My kid is 4, but I have been working with him on how to tell time on these, as well as the myriad of digital clocks on the

My dad is 5'9" and likes his seat the same position as mine.  He’s mostly legs where I feel that I am more proportional.  :)

I have ONE time been “re”-assigned seats away from my (at the time) 2 year old. I calmly asked the gate agent if they were going to separate me from him, and suddenly we were in Comfort+ instead of steerage.  I had originally booked comfort+ seats as I am 6'3" and do do well when I am jammed into a “normal” seat. 

It’s easy, just push back at the culture of busy. I take all of the days I am allotted at work, and usually a couple more. I have asked about taking un-paid days off, but HR pushes back at that, so my boss usually lets me sub in a couple of sick days. Last time I had this discussion I got a “Oh, Carlos Spicyweiner, I

Or, you know, use some pot-holders?  Because lifting it out by 2 precarious plastic dinguses sounds like a brilliant way to get burned worse than a McD customer holding coffee in her lap.

The chef, and 95% of the line-cooks, smoke. They couldn’t taste subtlety if it hit them over the head with a giant cartoon mallet.

If the restaurant is that full up, and I have to beg for a table, then I will find another place to eat at.  Trendy or not, if I am out for a good time, and a good meal, there are way too many places to eat where I live that are incredibly good.

Kinda want, if only to toss in the back of the Jeep.

Kinda want, if only to toss in the back of the Jeep.

You mean parents are people in their own right with names and lives beyond their kids? Holy crap!

Do you need offroad?  Or do you need gravel road?  If you need/want off-road, and want small, and want flat-towable...  2-door Wrangler.  Yes, everybody has one, but there is a reason.  It is what you described.

There’s an XKCD for this: https://xkcd.com/936/
Longer person readable passwords are better than short random number generated passwords.

“They have to sit down to strap in and it clogs the top of the lift.”

Nope, no issue with the workers. But the food in the restaurant was horrible, and I thought this before I knew of their corp leanings.

No, actually, I am shitting all over a sub-par fast food joint that also happens to be (At the corp level) bigoted and hateful.  I thought the food sucked long before I knew of their hateful work.

All both times I have been to a Chick-Fil-a and the one time my company had a chick-fil-a catered lunch I have been dissappointed with the chicken.  It was greasy, soggy, and tasted of self-loathing and heartburn.  Even if they weren’t run by hateful biggoted assholes, I would never eat there again based on the

315mhz is open for anybody to use. They should just be low-power. Manufacturers COULD have licensed their own frequencies for keyfobs and the like, and then could legitimately complain when they get stepped on, but they only have themselves to blame for going for an unlicensed freq.