

I have a block full of knives, what do I need this goofy thing for?

I have a block full of knives, what do I need this goofy thing for?

i have never in my life wanted more to reach through my computer scream and grab a person by the throat and choke the life out of him. HOw dare he. How fucking dare he. He’s a fucking traitor and a rapist and a criminal and he’s up there giving fucking rush fucking limbaugh a god damned medal like it’s a special

But...but...that’s not in video form!

Volume up + side button, for those that just want to read it.

I’m looking forward to reading this but could have done without “OK, SO I’M HERE AT THE JUNKYARD” blaring out of my speakers the moment I opened it. Autoplay videos are fucking intolerable.

As a coffe lover (and a bit of a self confessed coffee snob too) I couldn’t agree more. When I bring a thermos of my freshly roasted coffee (roasted by myself as well) my colleagues are often surprised in the natural sweetness and flavours. Although I do roast a little lighter.

This is a great tip!

we used to plan flights around nap/bed time and did exactly that to make sure they slept on flights. On certain flights westbound from EWR it was perfect - they board and buckle in, fall asleep about 15 minutes into the flight after the engine noise takes effect and the excitement of takeoff wears off. Then you land

That’s why all kids below 13 should be drugged so they will sleep for the entire flight.

How to stop looking at your phone: Stare at this video on your phone!

You’d think they’d know that most of us are reading these posts at work and can’t watch videos.

Same.  Watching videos isn’t as easy as checking articles for me during my workday.  Stuff like this, I usually check comments for clues and then move on.  I never wind up going back to watch the video.


THIS.  Believe it or not I actually like to read articles!

Quit it with the video-only articles. 

Small world. I was the stage crew chief at our high school my junior and senior years so I know all about that haha somehow none of us got hurt (badly) despite table saws with no guards, zero safety glasses, and very little adult supervision.

Ha,United did this to us and our three year old. We had 3 contiguous seats booked from ORD-MIA, and they switched to a LARGER plane and decided to separate all three of us. They claimed they couldn’t give us our original seats on the lrger llabe, but couldn’t explain why.

We had something similar happen. At the gate they said there was nothing they could do since everyone had been issued their bording passes. Fortunately we were ahead one row and across the aisle, and just let the person who was in what had previously been my wife’s seat come along and discover he was going to be

I’m glad you included us under 6 feet tall in this. I’m 5'10" and am nearly all legs so airline seats are still pretty terrible for me.