
There should be a training course for people who post ads on what “manual transmission” means.

It seems a lot more likely that they were hunting and drove into high dead grass or something, and it caught fire resting against some part of the engine or exhaust.

I am sure the QA team would destroy if i pulled something like that.

Ah Password reset the bane of our existance. We often reset to Password 1234 or Password2017 for this year. Then force them to change it.

Hah that’s amazing!

Gah I wish I had the stones to do that. Good on you. GTFO with that free advertising garbage.

That’s next level.

You know, unless you stand for the national anthem in your living room, and put your hand over your heart and sing, I don’t want to hear it. Because if you don’t, then that means the only reason you do it live at the games is because everyone else is doing it. Not because you are overcome with patriotism. And that

Sorry, I can’t hear you over the generic Biker-style rock music!

Ha! That is exactly what that video looks like.

Makes me think they are hiding something.

Did they have a camera problem or did they make the video like that on purpose? It looks like an affect used in late 90's grunge videos. Someone pass me some aspirin.

I remember the good old days when I could drag and drop songs onto my iPod or iPhone without creating a playlist, syncing it, realizing it overrode all of my existing music, re-building the playlist, re-syncing, realizing that some of the songs had been registered on too many devices, un-registering old computers and

If it’s beautiful because it looks like it off-roads, but doesn’t, then it’s not beautiful it’s just a douchmobile. And, it should be pointed out, is the root cause for America’s obsession with crossovers. So yeah, you can all blame David Tracy for the X6.

I’m goning to piggyback on here. Does anyone else LOATHE the new two stage authentication BS? Is there any way to turn that off? We have a house of family shared Apple products, and every time one gets logged out, it’s like a half hour trying to figure out where it’s displaying that stupid ass 6 digit code.

Not really. They’re carnivores with tolerance to plant based foods. A plant based diet for a dog is made for the convenience of their owner, not the dog. A polar bear can eat plants too, but it’s survival, not nutrition.

No, dogs are carnivores, not vegetarians.

Ascorbic acid is also known as vitamin C. So.... yeah. Fuck that stuff, right? Because you don’t recognize the name and all.

Almost as stupid as mis-using “you’re” and “your”