
As someone who once bought an Isuzu Mysterious Utility Wizard based solely on the fact that it was called an Isuzu Mysterious Utility Wizard, I fully support this decision.

Or just make head/tail lights on ALL THE TIME. Problem solved.

I will never be able to unsee this.

Mine worked for Lockheed building planes, same with my grandpa who had a medical deferral

This is true. And yes badass grandmas are fun. Mine welded battleships.

But it is more expected of the queen as she was a Truck Mechanic and test driver during WWII. Or maybe I’m just biased because my Grandmother was a baddass with mechanical things (and built half tracks during the war) until she died at 101. I expect those things of that generation.

The Queen was a mechanic in WWII, she’s probably still more qualified to drive that thing than your average suburban mother.

Kinda up there with the Queen wheeling herself around at her age. Check out those tires! (And bonnet mascot)

Things I never thought I’d see Martha Stewart driving a plow truck.

Yeah I gotta say I’m with this guy. It doesn’t look like you have a Jeep so much as you have the decayed ruins of one, and redemption seems to require replacing every single part of it and fighting with the rest at every turn in order to do so.

E-codes are the jam. I have them in my NA as well.

To get a definitive answer, I rang up Pilkington, a United Kingdom-based company that’s been in the glass business since 1826.

Picture for those who want to see it:

I don’t know, but the Grom is similar. Brand new MSRP starts around $3200, and used ones hover around $3k. It’s a shame, because I really want a Grom, and I’m not a fan of the 2017 facelift, but I’m not about to pay new price for a used one.

“Radical Christianic Terror”

I just thought of something right now, and forgive me if I get a little corny. But reading how people are “oops, didn’t see that you were from Syria, go on ahead”, seeing that picture above of everyone waving the flag, holding the signs, letting others know that they ARE welcome....watching the protests today.....I am

This is what pisses me off, it’s not a Bronco if it’s not on the f150 platform it’s a Bronco 2.

4 - Avocado.

...fuuuuck...you win!