
His cherokee? Yes, no, and no. When was the last time you saw a JK with the windshield down? How about a TJ? I have seen a couple of YJs with it down, and my uncle’s CJ7 always has it down when off-roading. I couldn’t imagine the pain of putting it down in my JK, and then the pain of having to look at how stupid it

Don’t just read at bed-time. Pretty much anytime the kid is willing to cuddle is good for story-time. Sometimes giving the kid a teething toy for them to wave around and put in their mouths during story time will keep grabby hands and mouth busy while you read the story to them will keep them engaged longer. My little

Quantum is very very very small. This is your obligatory pedantic rant.

Check your seat. 99% of car-seats that I have looked at have a height restriction on rear-facing. Basically if you have to raise any adjustable head-rest, turn it around because the kid is too tall for the spine to be effectively supported in a rear-facing seat.

RideSafer... It’s a vest that you strap onto the kid and then the seatbelt hooks through bits of it. Legally a car-seat, takes about .5 seconds longer to buckle kid in the car than an adult. Just make sure it’s on the kid and adjusted correctly before the uber shows up. I’ve got the 3rd gen in yellow for my little

Hot take confirmed in at least one case... My wife wants this to replace our 2013 Tribeca (which she loves). We have 1 kid, and no plans for a second as she’s 40, I’m 43 and the one kid is 2.5. She’d probably opt for the 7-seat version, but we do occasionally have all seatbelts occupied with family and/or friends. We

Black meatball on the doors and yellow meatball on frunk?

2 things about Chick-fil-a... I moved to the (deep) south about 5 years ago. People around here go crazy over Chick-fil-a. I figure, I should try this place out. Ugh. Heartburn city! Full of grease and oil. Every bite tastes of self-loathing and regret.

Going to your average job site, there are 2 types of construction workers. The 3-5 guys that all show up in a 10-15 year old minivan with their tools locked up in the back, out of the weather, between 5-8 ladders on the roof rails, and they take home 90% of what they made that day. Then there are the “real men” who

Yep, this right here is the main issue.

The “blanket over a brick” was the smaller “Jeep Competitor” that they announced at the same time. The Bronco *will* be a badge job of the Everest, but probably with the new corporate grill.

Rubicons are in the mid $50k range now, and can be optioned up to nearly $60k. If you know you are going to start chopping in to it to create a beast, you do what I did. Buy a base Sport or a sport based edition like my Willys Wheeler. I got the good suspension for the 2-3 years I was using to gather parts and not be

The “Bronco” will be a 4-door soft-roader. The smaller “Jeep competitor” that they keep talking about will be a Ford Troller (Been selling in Brazil for ages), or I don’t know how to read markets. They will probably rename the Troller to be something like BroncoII, but the “Bronco” will be the Ford Ranger based

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Thought this was common knowledge. First saw this video at least 10 years ago.

Bow ThrustersThe Bow Thruster symbols also tell you how many thrusters there are.

Also, I did note on the original post that the Guinness tour had no actual brewing in it. Good history, some old machines that you walk near, and the fun of learning the “6 steps to the perfect pint” (the first 2 of which are pick up the glass).

It’s not bourbon for 1 very very specific reason. It’s filtered through charcoal. That is counted as a flavorant. No added flavorants allowed in bourbon. The rules are: 1. Must be made in the USA. 2. the grain bill must be at least 51% corn. 3. Must be aged at least 1 year in an unused charred white oak barrel. 4. no

There are 4 masks for each set of 3 seats. Always always always do yours first. As the parent of a 2 year old, I know how tempting it would be to put theirs on first, but do yours. That way you would be as clear headed as possible when doing theirs. That’s also why they would never let a row have 2 lap children.

I agree. I didn’t say to stay away, but just to be aware that the Jameson Distillery there in Dublin wasn’t still a working Distillery. You “see” all the steps, but nothing is actually made there anymore. Also, yes, when they ask for volunteers, do it. The person there was somewhat surprised that I could tell him

Boxer 6.