
all the babies are in there, you pick one, pop it, and then you get to keep whats inside.

So...is the baby inside one of those balloons? I’m not sure how reproduction works...

Diana, I’m not trying to be rude, but you really need to brush up on your proofreading skills.

Still not convinced it isn’t lupus.

First, let me say I appreciate you lending your expertise in such an eloquent and illuminating response.

It’s probably LaVar Ball you idiot

Wow, this guy just can’t stop killing people. 

“We shoulda had more time.”

Notre Dame players think that they can simply apoligize during the last minute of the game all their personal fouls will magically disappear.

Jordan would have gotten actual tombstones.

At the Warriors’ Halloween party, Steph Curry simply ate 73 cookies and wept.

Considering he’s the head coach of Florida State, I’m not sure he’s really in a position to say that players are held accountable...


Oh man, I love that documentary.

In Saudi Arabia they just ride flying carpets or monkeys that have been turned into elephants right?

Can’t wait until they sign Dwight Howard and finally build a team to take on the 2010-11 Heat.

Kratos is from Ancient Greece and the game was marketed as such. Ancient Greece was a patriarchy. Don’t play games like that if you’re so easily offended.