
You can fix that by adding the weather widget to your homescreen, then updating the widget. Once it finds your location and updates, simply remove the widget and it works fine

“And now, along comes Amazon. The company will spend $177 to build the new fulfillment center, and job listings will start appearing six to 10 weeks before the facility opens.”

will it baby

I work for the merchandising company building the bundles for the Xbox one. It will be in targets as well, plus the standard 4 gig Xbox 360 will get a free copy of peggle 2. Our bundling visits started today so they should be live in targets as well right now.

I guess I didn't use the proper vernacular. Having the same window switches isn't what I'm expressing, it's the overall experience. I know my radio knob and window switches are just Nissan parts bin stuff but when I get into my Infiniti I don't feel like I'm getting into a Nissan. Its the overall experience. When I

Looking the same is okay, as long as they all look good. Shared design language is fine. The issue is when you're charging a $20,000 premium for a car that is EXACTLY SAME as the non premium vehicle its based on.

Aside from changing the name to be alphanumeric (which outside of the Audi naming scheme is just frustrating and makes no sense. Even owning an Infiniti I have no clue how the whole structure works) I think his plan is smart. Luxury brands should be separate from their parents, no one wants to be driving a $60,000

Mr. Lee is always on a segway, he has some degenerative disease that doesn't really allow him to walk much. There was an episode of that inside west coast customs where they made a custom segway arm to package one in the trunk of a Bentley GT

Clearly it's the Lamborghini LM002 'Rambo Lambo'.... They wanted that sweet sweet U.S. military contract money and made a huge SUV, then when it was decided a rear engined super hummer wasn't their thing....They went screw it, slapped a v12 up front and called it a day

You said in your post its primarily for new users, what exactly does that mean? Does it mean people who have been around for X amount of time will be grandfathered in as approved? Or does that mean well if you're already approved you're good to go and if you've been around for awhile and aren't approved sucks to be

Bentley Flying Spur with the W12. 200 mph, 6500lb four door luxo barge limo. Unassuming enough as well, so the plebes don't bother you.

Looks like Zac stopped posting altogether on the last COTD about the wedding planner / Indy 500. Sucks, I always looked forward to COTD & $kays posts

A) Outside of car nuts, no one knows that car exists. B) While I call BS on building it to "satisfy demand" like was originally stated, it was also built to satisfy emission for those wonderful v8 and v12's. C) Does this also hurt Aston?

Same as the Cayenne, do whatever you have to do to keep making the fun stuff. As

Not only is it a 350z, it's the one DK drove in Fast and Furious 3. I have an unhealthy obsession with that movie, I know.

I guess its a good thing I'm not outraged and didn't get my panties in a bunch over clearly a lame highschool prank

This went around at a different school. Outrage?

Pretty sure that's an elise/ exige......still glorious none the less

So I apologize for being an ignorant middle class 28 yr old white male in advance. I'm trying my best to cure my frat bro ways (after many years of using the word 'faggot' [even now it hurts to type it] my wonderful girlfriend taught me how hurtful the word is and has been working to help me not be a privileged

I'm sure he doesn't want a stripper for a daughter

Patrick, you think that's impressive? This is how we roll in Palm Beach. A good friend of mine is a Police Dispatcher for Palm Beach Island, you would be surprised at how much drugs show up