Pilot of the Clown Shoe

You’re a fan of the maintenance building parking lot? Or the traffic circle?

Re: Helmet kissing - never do that to a motorcycle or open cockpit racer AFTER a race.

I don’t think a free pass from an orange idiot is going to make any difference in The Hague. I think it was proven pretty convincingly after WW2 that “just following orders” isn’t a get out of jail free card.

would somebody PLEASE get the president a laser pointer?

Groms are 3200 MSRP

This was my driver’s ed car.


It’s collecting the marshals to get them out of the rain and lightning.

Now playing

According to Moxy Fruvous, Delaware has the lowest highest point. According to other sources on the interwebs, Florida has it.


Depends on the state. From 1994-2004 it’s possible that the firearm met the legal definition of “assault weapon” but after the AWB expired in 2004, there is no federal legal definition of “assault weapon” on the books. Since this was Florida, there’s probably no legal definition there either. California still has

No, it becomes an attack knife, or perhaps an aggravated battery knife. When you pull it out and say “I’m gonna CUT you!” is when it is an assault knife.

Not shown: the servers recording the feeds from all 44 cameras for posterity.

Hmmm.. I should go drive one. I love the clown shoe for sure, but the 4C is mighty appealing. Also, there’s some sort of rule that you have to own an Alfa at some point in your life. I’m interested to know what the long term outlook for utter heartbreak is on the car. I know it’s part of the Alfa owner’s experience

Hail Hydra!

More of a spelling nazi. The grammar nazi might instead have corrected the “then/than” problem.

spelling edit - Dovizioso & Espargaro