It’s also a really bad idea to stand between the Armco and the catch fence, although it looks like the catch fence might go all the way to the ground, or the weeds are grown up really tall.
It’s also a really bad idea to stand between the Armco and the catch fence, although it looks like the catch fence might go all the way to the ground, or the weeds are grown up really tall.
Ever been to a Brave Combo show? That’s some fun polka
I have a bunch of COTA core samples littering the planting beds in my front yard, but this is way cooler.
I’ve refused “politeness” before. At a 4-way stop in my neighborhood, the guy to my right had right of way and refused to take it. He did the “go ahead” gesture and I looked straight at him and shook my head no. It took a few tries before he finally went.
My wife’s the same. She doesn’t know the right of way rules, seems to refuse to learn them, and just waves everyone at an intersection. It’s maddening.
Your name says “nyc” but your grammatical construction says Pittsburgh.
that was quite a show of under-teet
NAS Dallas is essentially an abandoned superfund site. It’s got runways and stuff, but there’s nothing going on there. Google Earth shows a bunch of cars parked on the apron, but even the old LTV/Lockheed Martin plant looks abandoned.
I grew up in a university town and the KA house was right on the corner of a major street and frat row. I remember asking my mom what “Kappa Alpha Order” was and she told me it was a club for college kids focused on drinking and hating black people.
Well, it WAS a moral imperative.
Just call them 44s. They’ll run a tiny bit longer and be a little slower and lower than you remember, but it’ll be fine.
Or, they can shake his hand and when he tries his power move arm jerk, counter by ripping his arm off and beating him to death with it.
“Ice Frog” is fantastic, and I’m going to steal it. The two Quebecois (there’s not that many of them here in Texas) that I know will probably both think it’s hilarious.
It’s TOTALLY OK to root for the tree.