No, see, you’re missing the point; it’s not about how much the DeVos’ made on that venue rental, it’s how many venues were rented out underneath that venue rental, that’s where the money is!
No, see, you’re missing the point; it’s not about how much the DeVos’ made on that venue rental, it’s how many venues were rented out underneath that venue rental, that’s where the money is!
If he shows up in your tweets, chances are you did something to bring him there…
I was provoked. She should have sat further back since she knew it was allergy season.
In stead of a violin, I’ll send him a miniature Steinway instead. I heard somewhere that he’s got a tiny pianist.
Would help if the colors were more differentiated. I lost a chain a few times because I couldn’t tell the difference between white and off-white
Wait a sec, you follow the book, too?
“Restaurant” is a bit of a strong word.
“We cannot afford to have a prestige miniseries gap!”
I wish people would just check their bags and stop bringing carry-ons. I know I am in the vast majority but its SO much easier to travel with your phone, wallet, keys and some ear buds.
Some day I want to have a car so expensive that getting hit will ruin some fucking poor person’s life FOREVER.
The last time Trump was excited about carrying something 4.5 feet tall and 60 pounds, Ivanka was 9
Lots of respectable people have been hit by trains. Judge Hobby over in Cookville was hit by a train.
FCA man. Nobody would benefit more from buying up the remnants of Tesla than FCA. The majority of their lineup is way on the gas burning side of the spectrum and they don’t seem to have much in the way of an electric program. They’d fit right into the gap and help them anywhere there needs to be an average fuel…
Sandra Bland was not pulled over in Austin. She was pulled over in Hempstead,Texas not Austin.
Don’t care. This is a Rich Whyte people problem.
Still, it’d be best of them to use their corporate power to also push for higher wages and more job opportunities for the working class.
The move was only about a block away so I felt comfortable being a little casual with my packing. One of my choices was to tape up the drawers of my night tables rather than empty them. My boyfriend at the time (now husband) handled the tape duty. When they arrived at the destination I noticed that the tape was a…
“ of 5:12 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.”