Clown Shoe Pilot

Nah, it’s pretty bad. And Papa John’s is objectively bad, as is Ohio.

and lives in Phoenix.

I put the stick in 3rd gear and that moment is permanently burned in my brain, because it was the moment when I realized how very, very wrong I was.

Not to be pedantic or anything, but wouldn’t a ‘simulated weight’ imply that its not an ACTUAL weight??

I hope Roy asphyxiates in a seedy motel thanks to a low quality gimp suit.

How you feel about this will largey depend on if you are already paying for cable. If you already have a high end cable package you will be really upset that you have to buy some other subscription. Especially if you are a business and would probably have to procure separate licensing or permission to view the

“Best of Both Worlds?”

...every post you make, every text you send, I’ll be watching you...

Where the hell you find pumps that run at 8gallons/minute? I need to start going there and quit wasting time at the slow ass 3gallons/minute pumps like a sucker.

“look to the X’s gullwing doors to see how this is going to... unfold

He’s going to invade Nambia to seize control of the world’s covfefe reserves?

Take a few minutes onliine and study the thermal efficiency of automobiles vs. power plants.

Hooray for unity!

“I don’t see why not.”

She used the term “study tech.” Cult jargon.

I’m gonna type you a story whether you want to read it or not. Ha-HA!

Circle Jerk

Agreed, and I also hope this dick gets asshole spiders.

I hope this asshole gets dick spiders.

instructions unclear. currently driving roommate to ER with dishes lodged in their cavities. please advise.