Nabokovian dog

LOL ad hominem

Progressive activists and religious fundamentalists are two sides of the same coin. They both believe in banishment and censorship, just with different goals.

Facism pretending to be progressivism.

I’m growing more and more uncomfortable with the seemingly increasing progressive notion that people’s backgrounds must be fully delved into and punishment doled out for things they did years and years ago, retroactive, permanent punishment. It strikes me as so anti-liberal.

Kane’s rape accusation is still being investigated. They had three or four articles on it on Jezebel or linked on Jezebel from Deadspin, when it first broke and the week after. There’s nothing current to report. http://www.si.com/nhl/2015/08/21…

Feminist logic

She should not be pardoned because what she did was EXTREMELY against every rule that she well knew she should not break. I know people in Intelligence and it is on multiple places in every single office and drilled into you that you don’t do what Manning did. (Would you feel safe if everyone in Intel felt free to

Because treasonous traitors don’t deserve it.

Why should Obama pardon him?

He put other American lives at risk, his punishment fits the crime of a traitor.

If men are forced to wear shirts with tight collars, choking ties, and airflow restricting trousers in the workplace, then so should women, in my opinion.

So... what? He’s Turtle? Don’t we want celebs to use sober drivers when they leave bars? “Off-Duty Cop Has Second Job As Chauffeur For Celebrity Friend” is pretty weak tea, as stories go. Unless we see evidence that this guy knew of and was helping overcome the victim’s reluctance, I don’t see the material difference

Really just seems like the person writing this is someone with too much time on their hands is trying to over complicate kids movies with their own logic. We can’t just enjoy movies anymore is what I get from this article.

It was quite clearly stated that Buzz was not flying at the end of the first movie, he was falling with style.

Oh noes! They had a type of party you might not have chosen yourself. Let’s bash em!

I don’t even know what point you’re making. One 62-year-old man is an asshole, so no men anywhere can lament their lost youth? That’s ridiculous if that’s your point.

Right, only women should be able to complain about such things. It's the Jezebel way.

Snark against tall women, snark against short men, its all snark sometimes around here.