Nabokovian dog

If you hate it, fucking leave. We don’t need you. The American Dream is alive and well and it lives in Manhattan.

Apt user name.

If being rude to people online is rape, I guess that makes me a notorious serial rapist.

Says the fucking douchebags being sued FOR RELEASING A SEX TAPE. You guys are a fucking joke.

Ha, I was waiting for this one the entire time. At least top comment didn’t disappoint.

What a farce. Shall we prosecute the dementia stricken janitor next?

“Don’t they have to follow the constitution no matter what?”

Welcome to adulthood, and the understanding that people of like demographics nonetheless hold a plurality of thought and belief. Life is much more complicated than many people would like to believe.

Bullshit. We don’t live in a democracy, we live in a republic and we are subject to, and protected by, the rule of law. Opinions should be responded to with arguments not coercive blackmail.

Generally speaking, as a demographic group the young always turn to fiscal conservatism as they enter productive adulthood. Turns out that massive taxation and spending isn’t quite as appealing when its your money thats being taken and redistributed.

Stifling speech through coercion - whether that coercion stems from the government or from activists who threaten people’s jobs, safety, and reputations - is a repulsive scourge on the discourse of this nation.

Oh shove it, pussy.

Are the black kids getting better, or are the white kids getting worse, or both? They leave that unaddressed in that interview.

What about Easterners romanticizing Eastern religions? Isn’t that the bigger problem?


Just on the contrary, France was looking for reason to reclaim Alsace-Lorraine, lost to Prussia during the Franco-Prussian War. Germany’s attack was preemptive, only because their only chance for victory was to knock out France before Russia attacked, and thus avoid a 2 front war. Obviously didn’t pan out, of course.

Historians are pretty much agreed that the punishments levelled against Germany were unsustainable for the populace and thus untenable. Further, Germany was hardly the instigator of the war.

I’d hardly call the sanctions imposed on Germany after WW1 just punishment. These just punishments are what led to Hitler’s rise.

Poland seized land that belonged to Germany for 800 years. Seems like a valid cause for war to me.

Interesting how when articles like this are framed, they inevitably overlook casting judgement upon the countries with the horrific laws that cause the refugee crisis in the first place. Smacks of infantilization leveed upon these backwards nations - a practice far too often employed by the left.