They’re still missing some important ones, too.
They’re still missing some important ones, too.
There’s plenty of capacity, it’s just being inefficiently used due to rent stabilization policies
Ah the good old, “he has a gun he must have a small penis” meme. Now with the added benefit of irony because it’s posted on Jezebel.
So it’s ok to lie if you are poor or if your job doesn’t pay well? If I go to my mechanic and he tries to bill me for work he didn’t do, should I still pay him for his imaginary work? Isn’t that fraud in both cases?
From Wiki : Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and generally prefers critical thinking and evidence (rationalism, empiricism) over established doctrine or faith (fideism). made an article about a rant on reddit?
Slow news day?
These conspiracy theories are either fabricated by the author or dug up from obscure forums about tin foil hats. There are legitimate questions regarding the facts of what happened and possible motives. This article was obviously designed to distract people from those legitimate questions
You are the wrongest anyone has ever been wrong about anything in the history of wrongness. Repent.
Maybe, did Jews ever kill people at Charlie Hebdo?
A teen-aged girl killed 260,000 Jews?
I agree, for the most part. I have been very disheartened by people being hounded from their jobs for donating to causes people don’t agree with - Mozilla (I think?) and the donation to an anti-gay marriage campaign spring to mind. To me, if it’s ok to fire someone for that, even when by all accounts it in no way…
This post is supa hot fire.
Naturally, jezebel will ignore it.
Bullshit. We don’t live in a democracy, we live in a republic and we are subject to, and protected by, the rule of law. Opinions should be responded to with arguments not coercive blackmail.
You WILL find people on this site who have no idea what you’re talking about; and that’s pretty scary.
Stifling speech through coercion - whether that coercion stems from the government or from activists who threaten people’s jobs, safety, and reputations - is a repulsive scourge on the discourse of this nation.
thank god the pc police is here.
Publishing a repeatedly rejected poem because the author’s name sounds Asian this time around is the same as awarding a Michelin star to a restaurant with repeated low reviews / health inspector violations, because the head chef recently came out as transgender-curious.
the lefties are feklempt abt this white guy - who used his privilege to hide his identity and was actually then published. It’s okay to admit that minorities, apparently, are just not good enough -and what’s rejected for a white guy is accepted for an Asian man - it’s okay - we all knew it anyway - women, the blacks,…