Nabokovian dog

I’m being disengenuous because I assumed the OP meant what she asked and not a larger extrapolation based on this event? She said “So, enlighten us, MRAs: How are women supposed to know which of you fucks will pull this on them or not?” The use of “this” would mean this incident. She didn’t say “like this” or “similar

Apparently not since she stated I didn’t answer hers. I suppose I was wrong and should have stated I assumed it was rhetorical.

What point would that be? She asked a rhetorical question implying this proves women are in high danger of being shot over rejection so I decided to give her a realistic reason why people shouldn’t assume that to be true. This incident and the uncommon but none the less disturbing incidents like it are hardly good

That’s good.

The fact that you are making jokes about what these women have done tells me everything I need to know about you.

All this talk about “Big Bad White Feminists” is completely dismissive, patronizing, and infantilizing of the majority non-American, non-White women who ORGANIZED this march (and personally invited Ms. Steinem to serve as an honorary co-chair) and the majority non-American, non-White women who participated in this

She was asked by the majority Korean organizing committee to serve as honorary co-chair of the commitee, which is probably why she is being vocal to the media. It was a role she was asked to serve.

Ms. Steinem was invited to participate in a peace walk organized by a committee made of mostly of Korean women activists, with the larger group comprised of women activists and Nobel Peace Prize laureates from Liberia, the Philippines, Colombia, Zimbabwe, Japan, Australia, and an Indigenous activist from Guam, among

There were relatively few American White women involved, feminist or otherwise, actually. If you took even 30 seconds to use the Google-fu before blathering on about “White feminists” you would see that the organization is comprised of a pool of women who are multi-ethnic and multi-national.

That’s BS.

It’s tough. Not too long ago, we lived in a world where a “handsy” date or, even worse, boss/coworker was considered to be par for the course, and just shrugged off. For example Helen Gurley Brown infamously talked about a game called “scuttle” where guys in the office would chase a woman down and rip her panties off,

“The incident happened my junior year at Columbia, when Paul followed me upstairs at a party, came into a room with me uninvited, closed the door behind us, and grabbed me. I politely said, “Hey, no, come on, let’s go back downstairs.” He didn’t listen. He held me close to him as I said no, and continued to pull me

I think we call it “innocent until proven guilty.”

Yeah, I agree with you. I would think it was hilarious. No big deal.

Uhm, is this really dickish behavior? If my date did that I would find it funny (although I would also probably mercilessly tease him for being a commitment-phobe).
Do some people actually take the bouquet toss seriously and get upset about stuff like this? (I’m genuinely asking, not snarking.)

She’s a reasonably young-looking adult. This photo shouldn’t creep you out. Plus her eyebrows are AMAZING.

fuck you - they raised over a million dollars doing this - what have you done for children mr internet commenter?

My only issue with her statements were that some of them were not factual. She's a professor, she should do her research.

Innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt is the criminal standard we have in this country, and we are all more fortunate for that. This means that if someone is a witness accusing someone else of a crime, that person should be thoroughly questioned. In the instance of rape, the only witness is often

Are you kidding? To just assume an accuser is telling the truth (or lying) without looking into the matter is extremely irresponsible. The reality is that women are raped and women fabricate being raped. I'm not going to throw out some study claiming to the know the percent (like you could ever determine