Crystal Palace is not a gay disco

Oh god. So my roommate has her boyfriend over and his friend, they're heading out and are all chatting in the living room (my friend has run to the store). They don't know I'm here. And they are talking about 50 Shades of Grey. It is the funniest conversation in the world.

The person asking you to go to spend a weekend in a cabin with his wife is a bad friend.

Good luck getting sympathy from women because you have to remove some body hair to be acceptable, schmuck.

I just grow my stuff out. A co-worker once gave me a razor as a "gift". A manage once told me that not shaving my legs was a sign that I wasn't professional. She regretted that decision. Oh, did she ever regret that decision.

I'm here as an Alopecian (I have no hair anywhere, whatsoever) to say that the attitude of "Let it be" is the attitude we all need. Some people have to come to terms with the fact that they have a lot of body hair. I had to come to terms with me losing all my body hair.

1. Get rid of your shitty artwork

The sad thing is that 12 weeks paid maternity leave shouldn't be considered a "good deal" it should be considered "absolute minimum standard."

I was a graduate student when I was pregnant and I was super paranoid about it because I had merit-based funding. I worked my ass off and finished on time and maintained my funding status the whole time. It's doable, but sadly as a pregnant woman/new mom you have to work twice as hard for the same benefits others

Somewhere, there is an ignorant misanthrope who is telling employees of Walmart to quit if they don't agree with their policies. To that individual, I say: FUCK RIGHT OFF.

1) Fuck that guy, I'm glad that they caught him.

Go up to where he is and do not leave until this is straightened out. Go over the bank statements with a fine tooth comb, and if she doesn't hand them over, call a lawyer.

Nope, nope. nope. She should not be in charge of his finances without anyone looking them over. Have her unlink her account and get access to his. She can pay his bills and someone in you family can make sure she doesn't drain his account. Nothing about this sounds right, especially the listing herself, a non family

- Rude people. You can be as snarky and nasty as you want to yourself and in your home, but the second you're outside, you are polite, kind, generous, and forgiving. No, this is not the same thing as showing a false face. If you think so, you are rude.

Related to both assholes who think they're keeping it real and condescending sexist pricks: people who misinterpret their total lack of emotional intelligence as them always being logical and you always being emotional. Nope, buddy, your emotions actually are playing a part in this subjective conflict we're having,

She's backstabbing bitch. Drop her, or at least downgrade her if reduces social circle drama. And don't tell anyone who knows her anything you don't want getting back to her. I hope you get the job and can rub her nose in it.

Fuck her and anyone who takes her side. She messed up and has nothing to cry about. I would stop talking to her.

I have been waiting for saturday night social ALL WEEK. My friend did something really nasty and cut-throat to me on monday and I can't talk to anyone about it because my family is worthless when it comes to being supportive and my other friends are going through their own drama and/or would be really uncomfortable

This may not help and it's just my 2cents but I was a small business owner and I come from a long line of business owners. The general rule of thought (as far as I've read) is that a business that survives it's first year is already waaaay ahead of the game bc the vast majority of business fail in the first 12 months.

i got engaged on wednesday! i have no idea where to start. i really just want a justice of the peace wedding, small party afterwards with family & friends, and save money to go on a kick ass honeymoon. anyone else have a small, on the cheap type wedding?