Crystal Palace is not a gay disco

Black NFL players kneeling is unpatriotic, but Nazis get to parade around town in polos.

Smellania is a piece of shit.  I fucking hate these articles that seem to tease that she's gonna come around or something.  She's not.  She's a fucking dickhead.  You stink, Smellania.

Fun fact, Twilight Series writer Ray Bradbury hated fascists AND TV! Go read Fahrenheit 451!

Wasn’t his character fired for doing that, as part of an entire episode showing how nasty and pointlessly spiteful fans could be over things that were insignificant and meaningless in the greater scheme of things? Because that was what I took away, that you were supposed to be kind of rah-rah’ing along to his rant

Maybe because she wished she could make a cake for her best friend and celebrate with her so she did it even if they couldn’t be together? If I was away from my best friend on my birthday and she baked a cake and decorated it in honor of me, I’d be filled with warm and fuzzy feelings because my friend was thinking of

But she’s not wearing it at work....

Holy shit! That’s some Steve Madden bullshit.

Fuck that.
We would take you but we need reasonable people to stay in the states and make their voices heard. If all the good people leave it just makes the giant time bomb to our south tick a little fast.
Stay and do something about him. Don’t run away.


As a woman who has been victimized at the hands of “really nice” guys and “fine” guys and “funny” guys and “sensitive” guys I actually have no issue believing a woman when she tells me that someone is an abuser so no thanks

No, Meghan doesn’t have to do anything regarding her family to make you or anyone else feel better.

I disagree. There’s an implied wink and nudge that goes along with “a gentleman never tells.”

Did she take credit for it?

You’re not wrong. Just look at that shitty post about Mister Roger’s the other day that said he was “troubling” because of how he handled having a gay crewmember on his show in the 70's and 80's (he kept him on but told him for his sake that he should not frequent gay bars anymore as people would notice). By today’s

I have just written a post about this.

You are talking about a woman who never stops working and calling her lazy. The misogyny up in here is too damn high.

Do you have any idea how many women’s lives and careers have been ruined just by someone’s words alone without a single shred of proof? Sucks that it can now happen to men too, doesn’t it?

Due process is exactly what’s happening. It’s standard human resources procedure to put people on leave while credible allegations are investigated. There are enough witnesses that the company has already talked to to make it a credible allegation. Read the details instead of reacting to the headlines. “Due Process”

some people like to wear cute outfits whatever they’re doing and I think it’s a bit dickish to judge them. I like cute pajamas, even though I know I’m only sleeping in them.

Nor do they get a pass for being misogynistic when NOT using women’s bodies. The trope of “eww women and vaginas are gross” needs to end.