Crystal Palace is not a gay disco

He also had to argue against someone who insisted that he misinterpreted his OWN damn book:

At the expense of those who cannot leave?

Or garbage knockoffs passed off as originals:

That conservative merger in Alberta troubles me.

They named themselves so in keeping with the national party at the time (1942) Essentially, a centre-right party versus the national party who is right-wing, where the progressive part related more to social conservative aspect and certainly, from what I remember, less populist.

The Robert Jordan incident certainly reinforces it:

What’s to understand about virulent racism/misogyny shielded by the veil anonymity? It’s never only about a film or a book.

It (neo-fascism, neo-Nazism punk movement) really came to its own in the 80s and 90s and was a presence in my high school and I lived in a fairly diverse place. The punk music scene reflected that as well. See skrewdriver.

Collective bargaining agreement can be subject to workforce adjustment though.

Oh, what the fuck?!

But props to the artist who fixed the top one:

See Miley Cyrus.

“But does he want to hold the president’s HAND?”

It really isn’t. You’re barred from eating most foods, participating in religious and cultural events and rituals. The only work you can do are the kind of work that isolates you from the family, such working the fields, fetching wood and foraging. You know, hard labour (how convenient). The structures are so

He’s always been a racist miserable shitbag. He’s just moved into the devolving-into-meltdowns-during-podcasts portion of his career.

No, he was a piece of shit way before the heart attack.

Yes, you should be grossed. That woman is an asshole.

“...make me all sad, depressed, and suicidal over animals.” 

I suspect that he would be even harder on kin.

Mischaracterize and lie? Is that you call it when someone disagrees with you? I have never written that diagnosis = demonization. Please read what I wrote again.