
My job isn’t to make sure people agree me. It’s to share my opinion honestly with you. I’m not going to change what I think about these games simply because it falls in line with what other people think. That would be legitimately irresponsible of me as a writer.

i agree. i didn’t understand why, come Wednesday, the position of the media across the board seemed to be “we’re too elite, we need to get down into the heartland and see what makes these guys tick”. there was a great thread on Twitter that Barry tweeted from a guy who grew up in rich rural Ohio who was basically like


Now playing

My absolute favorite thing about Dishonored is that it truly shines when you find someone who can really break it (while operating entirely within the rules of the game).

Sure, let’s teach it war strategy. Sounds like a great plan.

but the Superbowl Shuffle makes it almost worth it

I played sports in high school, and we did not talk that way about women in the locker room.

John Wick was something of a success.

Then you better hope to christ that no Russians get near it

Girl, it’s not a Grammy, you can’t just dedicate it to your momma.

I forgot; who is running for president in 2016?

“That was ten years ago” works when you’re in your mid-20s talking about something you did when you were in middle school.

She should have just released this sooner instead of letting someone try to dump them in October a month before the election. I don’t get why the Clintons enjoy letting everyone else control the narrative.

I tried to come up with something like this when Pence was selected, but I quit while I was ahead. Like thousands of other Americans, no doubt.

Heh, I’ve been involuntarily singing that to myself for weeks. Every time anyone says “Trump/Pence” out loud, my brain decides that’s an excuse to start up the song again.

Well, time to vote Hillary and chew bubblegum.

Now I’m just throwing it out there. Maybe, just maybe, Trump might not be fit to be President.

Whereas Hillary could not only name every single sitting world leader, she could tell you what they had for breakfast, the name of their first pet, and what color underwear they’re wearing right now.*

The irony is that Silver’s original purpose with 538, back when it was just a Blogger site, was to provide a data-driven alternative to horse-race coverage. The problem is that, because 2008, 2012, and most of 2016 have shown a Democrat likely to win, his model was embraced by liberals as this mystic talisman against

I can’t complain about any of these choices. Every game you picked is a classic. I would add Eternal Darkness, Baten Kaitos (and its prequel), and MGS: The Twin Snakes to this list as they were GameCube exclusives.