
Ah, fixing matches and illegal gambling. Now it’s a real sport.

Its not so much that it attracts assholes, so much as the playstyle of the game begets toxicity.

I applaud these efforts to manage the assholes in the crowd. However, has anyone at Riot asked themselves, “why are assholes attracted to our game?” There are thousands upon thousands of MP games that don’t have the toxicity problems LoL has. If the LoL playerbase was representative of the MP gaming community (or even

Don’t sweat the difficulties, Albert. If we know one thing about gamers, it’s that they’re not particularly hypersensitive to any sort of direct or even indirect criticism about their hobby.

It seems like he’s adopting a balanced approach between the ideals of Reed Richards and the effectiveness of Tony Stark.

Burnham’s writing this, Villalobos is on pencils.

Sounds good. As someone pointed out, that finale shares more than one similarity to Xmen 3, but it sounds good as opposed to horrible. I always had a distaste for cyclops, so this sounds good to me. And I loved New X-Men. Wish they would’ve kept going in that direction. The only stuff I’ve liked of X-Men since

Nuke him from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure.

Huh? I tend to blow up all the transmitters and radars as I approach, and that always causes the base to go on alert (though search in all the wrong places).

It’s 1980s Soviet technology, things exploding all the time is par for the course.

“Youer mum’s getting whacked around by youer step-dad, mun! Looks like you need some rage...!”

This is “kind of” how you are supposed to play these games. Thats why every metal gear is packed full of game mechanics (that no one ever uses). There are so many ways to dick with enemies, specially in MGS4. You can tranq an enemy, then put sleeping gas mines around, so when someone comes up to wake em up they fall

I didn’t know he did The People Under the Stairs, I loved that movie when I was younger. Sad news indeed.

Redeye... the one with... dammit, what’s her name? The Canadian, she was in Mean Girls, The Notebook (which I never saw... *cough*) and that guy from 28 Weeks Later and Sunshine? Takes place on a plane? That one?

Nah, the question is why do glorified administrators get to pocket billions of dollars on the backs of unpaid college athletes.

I can see the complaint with corpses, but where the heart attacks are concerned, I feel like some players may be missing the core mythos that informs the narrative of the game.

A Batarang fired from a gun right into that poor goon’s crotch. This is a new Batman.

only thing missing is mechashiva.

Galak-Z is on the short list for my personal GOTY. Love the challenge, love the depth of the mechanics, love the unforgiving nature of the fights. Unlike the vast majority of games I’ve played this year, the battles here have real tension because there’s so much at stake if you lose.