Nice work psycho. I’m glad you’re so very in control of the people around you. Keep up the good work.
Nice work psycho. I’m glad you’re so very in control of the people around you. Keep up the good work.
Your point is that you don’t understand the process. Settlement is typically very fast and it is extremely unlikely that the Plaintiffs’ lawyers will get more than 33-40% of the settlement proceeds. Exxon was a very different case.
I was on the Chicago blue line (L train) the other day and saw a dude with an AP Royal Oak Offshore ($35,000 watch) and his wife/fiance had on a Rolex Explorer ($6,000 watch). Her ring was at least 3 karats. I make a very comfortable living, but for a moment I contemplated robbing them.
They can and do.
Dear Federal Bureaucrats,
Can ANYONE explain to me how in the hell that THING could ever fly? It’s got a turboprop on the front and one on one of the sides? Is it an incomplete rendering? What the hell is it? Where is the cockpit? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!?!
Does... the fat kid at 2:30 have a vape thing? WTF?
Yup. Best thing to do after heartbreak... don’t quit... going to baseball games and catching baseballs. A real Kevin Garnett over here. Impossible is nothing.
So, he’s exactly like Jim Harbaugh?
On a scale of 1-10, how stoned were you when you realized everyone knew that you knew?
If this isn’t COTD, I’m firebombing the Jalop offices from my harrier jet.
Nope. That’s not how it works. Newton’s third law. Rockets don’t “push on the air”
I wonder, when they interviewed Robin Page, was one of the questions, “how much can you sound like Jony Ive and are you willing to do your best Jony Ive impression during Volvo advertising segments?” will literally have this article tomorrow. #slatetake #hottaek
MJ never played basketball at Cabrini. The place was a war zone. I’m sure there were lots of good people there, but it was not “filled with people trying to make their neighborhood better.”
Also, the car stereo goes to 11.
What the heck is a “woke boyfriend?”
I’ve been calling this for a while. FF is a giant scam. Right there with the Moeller flying car. Looking forward to the documentary in a couple years about this.
As a personal injury lawyer in Chicago, I can tell you that if this happened in Illinois, I would gladly bring suit against the hotel and the valet company on behalf of the woman - if the woman had been seriously injured as a result of the valet’s decision to give the car to Johnny Football. I think, first and…