
Not trying to be a jerk but I kept looking at those two comparison screenshots you posted and I genuinely can't tell which one is supposed to be the improved one. Maybe it's more noticeable in motion?

The Blizzard we knew is dead.

From the studio that brought you

It pisses me off that these shitty sony movies are getting tied into the MCU.

But when Morbius’ friend Loxias Crown (Matt Smith) goes through a similar transformation and resolves to use his powers to wreak havoc, Morbius realizes that monster or not, he’s the one person capable of saving the people he loves and, perhaps, the world.

“Nice country you got there. Shame if something were to happen to it.

This and homecoming are one of the few movies that got teen romance right. No over the top Riverdale esque soap operas just plain awkward flirting and dating. 

Kotaku has done some good reporting and insightful commentary on the phenomenon in the past. This is not one of those articles and is rather... poorly written.

What absolutely miserable human beings these people reporting her must be

Yeah... despite the high concept and weird mumbo jumbo from Kojima, the gameplay is pretty basic, nothing “new” like Kojima is promising. You still do a lot of the same things you do in other games, I was expecting some new radically different way to play based on what he’s saying.

The whole thing is just an excuse for Kojima to work with Norman Reedus. I’m skipping this one. Get this game if it look interesting and fun to you. Not just because it has Kojima’s name on it.

I dunno, I watched the whole demo and while it does look very unique and interesting in the way that Kojima games always are, it also bored me to tears. I wouldn’t say it actually looks like very much fun to play. But hey what do I know, could be amazing. 

There’s a reason the period when something new comes out and everybody likes it before it’s not new and then they start to realize its flaws is called the “Honeymoon period”. 4 days after marriage, you should still be in that Honeymoon period and if it’s going bad now, it’s only going to get worse from there.

She’s worried that he’ll become abusive, and he’s already displayed several of the typical warning signs. Ignoring their instincts on stuff like this is how women get killed. That sounds extreme but it’s true. She doesn’t owe it to him to put her safety at risk while he figures out how to handle his issues in a more

he screams at her until she cries. she doesn't owe him shit.

If Joker wasn’t called “Joker,” you’d never know it was a DC movie.”

I think, if we are all agreeing about what didn’t happen “for all those years,” maybe we should wait to decide whether or not this one happened either.

Because the eight-year-old version of an established character was so awesome the last time:

If they could recreate the “fight” between Kenobi and Darth Maul from Rebels, that would be great.

This was (somehow) a good move for Sony.”