
you say that but I think Minecraft is ugly as sin. I have no interest in minecraft but I would buy a copy just to try this mode.

The guy is clearly a proto-incel, but is everyone dogpiling him and demonizing him really the best way to end his problematic viewpoints? It’s only going to make him harden his opinions when the very ‘cancel culture’ he’s proselytizing against comes for him and, in his view, does exactly what he says they were going

I feel like this is a theme on this site lately: people and organizations are complicated. She and her organization provided a necessary service AND engaged in some horrible practices. Your feelings are valid, and helpful to enrich the context. 

I think what’s been disappointing to watch is that, in everyone’s rush to pretend that Joss Whedon was never their favorite creator and that they always hated the Avengers movies, etc., people felt compelled to lavish praise and attention on Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

I thought the show made it clear that Hex Vision didn’t transfer his memories, he just unlocked White Vision’s memories which were being supressed. That would include everything up until the moment he was killed by Thanos.


I have to admit, I’m getting a bit tired of the snark too. Sometimes it’s just okay to like something or be excited about it without being constantly reminded that there’s no such thing as ethical consumption in a post-capitalist society.

Can most of the male writers on this site not write articles that sound like you’re all fucking sneering at your keyboards when you have to talk about something/one/etc that you’re not exactly 100% fans of?

Clap clap clap clap. Added that her character is one who fights fascists and racists.

Spot on.

Just before we have some of the usual ‘Cancel culture gone mad!’ comments, no, she is not being ‘cancelled’, she is facing the consequences of using a public platform, the internet equivalent of shouting out in the middle of the street, to make questionable comments, and Disney would rather not have to deal with it.

The last time werewolves were reinvented they became buff dudes that had a hard time convincing girls to sleep with them instead of some dead guy.

Gotta agree with this.

I put in 50 hours on PS4, between switching over to stadia, where I’ve now logged 150ish hours. I’m on my second playthrough, and I’m over the moon for it. Yeah, it has rough edges and bugs, but my favorite games of all time are janky, buggy messes, so i don’t sweat. The world is beautiful, the exploration is fun, the

Sure, because Eddie Izzard is not a conservative, and make no mistake, woke culture has nothing to do with progressive liberalism. It is conservative extremism with a different set of priorities. Liberals don’t attempt to silence or “cancel” anyone they disagree with. Liberals don’t try to purge art of ideas and

Your article is misleading. The girlfriend’s lawyer (Throckmorton) was concerned about her safety and called the police because she told him she was going to commit suicide. That’s why there was concern about her sitting with Warner’s guns and why she didn’t want to be around them. And that’s why she had to undergo a

Whatever enthusiasm I had for the franchise withered away as the closing credits rolled. I was fantastically disappointed in this movie. And I am someone who gets all googlie eyed at the sight of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. But the shoddy craftsmanship of this movie was rather shocking in places. It felt lazy in

It’s been ten years and I still hate the Indoctrination Theory.

In 2019 the movie industry made $41 billion and the music industry made $19 billion.
Video games made $152 billion.

I don’t think that enjoying monsters with oversized cocks going down on your favorite Dead or Alive character makes you a degenerate, nor do I think it has *anything* to do with the moral high-ground here.