
On the flip side, some of my favorite works of art were created in multiple mediums by very troubled and often dangerous people. The bigger issue in Hollywood is that it’s an entire system setup to enable and protect these people while profiting off them.

Creative types have never been known for impeccable mental health, and handing them tens of millions of dollars of resources and control doesn’t appear to do them any favors.

OK, I feel all of this and agree, but I have a Bill Clinton story (actually, I have a couple) that explains why I have a spot of gratitude for him.

Yes! Good HUD. Part of this complete breakfast!

is it appropriate to antagonize people that served our country?

Nothing you’ve said in any way refutes the notion that the army should be able to select people who do not have PTSD and who are not likely to suffer from mental health issues. If the army has trouble finding people like that to staff Twitch channels, something they don’t have to do both from an organizational

Gee, if there are combat vets so affected by PTSD that people should be careful of triggering flashbacks, maybe they shouldn’t be playing a military shooter - let alone acting as internet recruiters. Y’think?

This wasn’t an esports team of suicidal vets streaming it was the US Army’s twitch channel. Served this country is a weak excuse for people giving the military shit for two endless wars and military occupation across the globe. I don’t think being part of the military makes you a good person or free from critique and

If it’s unconstitutional for Trump to block people on Twitter then the US Army shouldn’t be able to block people on Twitch.

If some pedestrian-level twitch trolling sets off a person who is being paid to play video-games for the purposes of recruiting on the basis that they believed somebody was directly accusing them of committing war crimes, and they were of such a fragile mental state that they then perpetrated an act of violence

No joke, I wonder if this is a 1st Amendment issue. It seems similar to Trump blocking people on Twitter, which has been ruled unconstitutional.

The streamers chose to act as a liasons to a nation’s military via propaganda targeted at young people—up to and including minors--while also partaking in erasing valid points brought up regarding said military’s actions on foreign soil in the services of oligarchs.

This streamers are complicit in a us army propaganda campaign, so no.

If anything, they will literally advertise and say that he is training to take down brown people from other countries and YOU SHOULD TOO.

Censorship on government critique? Sure sounds like something China would do... Though it’s no surprise coming from the US, the land of the NSA, CIA, Covert Ops, foreign coups etc.

You didn’t play the story because you didn’t like the idea of fighting an fringe right wing maniac? Why would that bother you, its not a story line that you see in many (if any other) games

I actually picked up 5 because the premise sounded intriguing, but the actual execution was piss poor. The game kept hijacking me to shove story moments in my face, and none of it ended up being very interesting.

Michael Mando (Nacho) may have done such a phenomenonal job that he felt like he was always part of the show, but he was actually never in Breaking Bad and was introduced in Better Call Saul.

Michael Mando was never in Breaking Bad

Michael Mando (Nacho) was not in Breaking Bad.