
As studio interference go, this I could have been ok with, killing off more of the fellowship would have upped the stakes and the feels a bit more.

Just binge watched it, loved this crappy little show when was a kid. Came to watch this for some nostalgia, but the two memorable characters from the old show, He-Man and Skeletor (my favorite, the bad guys where always more fun than the good guys) are hardly in it. It’s a Teela show, with a smattering of the other

When I played through the beginning of RE8 I feel in love with that house, it’s damn near perfect.

That is not a musket, a musket fires round balls and are breach loaded with black powder and ball.

Song sounds alright to me.

How is it transphobic? You can play any kind of man or woman and have any sexual orientation. 

The update is live on steam now.

Agreed, the overly snarky writing is putting me off reading their articles, even though the subject matter interests me.

Loved the first game, thought the sequels were bland and uninspiring. This game holds no interest for me. Would have preferred if they would have taken a page from Mass Effect and kept the same protagonist for all the games.

Sure it has bugs, and lots of them, but I love this game, it is exceptionally good, and all the hate it’s getting is ridiculous to me.

I’ve never played an Assassin’s Creed game, as the premise does not appeal to me (the whole sneak around in a bright white outfit while no one seems to notice the only guy dressed that way), but I love the thought of a viking “simulator” so I think I’m going to give this a try.

I don’t get all the hate the shows creators have gotten, they made some awesome television, because they are good at adapting existing material. When they ran out of the source material they had the impossible task of putting meat on the bare bones of several books that had yet to be written. How are people so

This feels like clickbait, it’s Sauron, it’s not subtext, its written plain more than once in the books, it’s fucking Sauron.

This episode made me lose interest in this show, seeing the protagonist murder defenseless women made me lose any interest in this series. 

Loved the old Doom hud, that you could see how your protagonist was doing by looking at his face was so cool to me as a kid.

So have I.

You get a star for the Asari.

Thor or one of his buddies can gladly take me away from here.

That was awful, an action sequence with no dialogue and she was already half dead when she jumped. I’m so glad they didn’t go with that, the version they went with is so much better.