
Stephen King has said he tries to write 2000 words a day. With manuscript formatting, that’s four pages.

As a gay man, I’m happy to see representation for the LGBTQ community on screen.

“What, you mean other democratic countries don’t allow judges to be told what to do by a politician?”

Absolutely loved the final season, and found it to be masterful considering the time/episode constraints the writers were working with. It was crazy to see so many different arcs come to satisfying (and some intentionally not-so-satisfying) ends. Obviously it would have been better if it could have been spread out

If you turn Chev Chelios to 11 you are turning it down a couple of notches.

Cavil looks like Legolas’s older brother Chuck, the Elf-Bro Eternal.

Yeah I respectfully disagree with this completely. I found Hopper’s behavior to be a new father who would have struggled with a teenage daughter (as many do IRL) in even the best of circumstances, and their circumstances are hardly ideal.

This is the first time I’ve ever wanted to ask “Why was this article written?”. It seems a little sex shamey? Sure, if he wrote that about a stranger or someone he wasn’t already in a decade long relationship with it would come across as creepy. But he wrote it about his wife. He wrote it in the same tone/voice that

Are you embarrassed just to be an American?

I was a freshman in college in 2001. I remember multiple basement keg parties that year that turned into “U!-S!-A!” chants out of nowhere. I will never forget how embarrassing that was and will forever associate USA! chants with that cringeworthy behavior.

Nah. Fuck Trump, and fuck you for telling me that I should somehow feel bad about trashing that embarrassing piece of shit.

“Fuck Trump” is a chant of reality. He’s a dangerous moron and a complete asshole. Find another site, MAGA apologist.

Because Americans traveling abroad have a long, long history of being ignorant and disrespectful of their host countries. Because a lifetime of being told that the U.S.A. is the greatest nation in the world and that everyone else is inferior causes people to plow roughshod over other cultures and make asses of

Pretty sure those people somehow still delude themselves into believing that Melanie (note: intentional) brings “class” back to the White House now that she’s first lady, and the rest of the world respects Trump because he’s “tough.”

In Munich on vacation, now. Watched the game at a local soccer pub which today was about 90% Americans. After the final whistle, some college kids started chanting “USA! USA!” I was embarrassed to hear that as a guest in another country, but I was proud that none of the adults in the bar picked it up and it died

Finally, some criticism that has a chance of reaching the President.

This is a lovely reminder to those fetid trailer trash numskulls that watch Fox News that most of the world actually hates their beloved douchebag leader.

Twas a bad day to be orange. 

This is true. It’s also true that the vast majority of European warriors were European, given that they were drawn from the countryside. It’s also true that the extent to which being an Arab makes you nonwhite is debatable - given that with the spread of the language, culture, and religion of the Arabian peninsula,

Ah yes. I remember Antonio Banderas did a documentary about him.