
I mostly cared about Arya, especially by the time she trained to be a ninja. Spin off please!

Jon was always meant to be a King. Just not all of Westeros. He’s the King Beyond The Wall. The Man who saved the Free Folk from extinction and was murdered for it. The guy the Free Folk fought for at the Battle of the Bastards even though they were the last of their kind. The Man that the last giant died for. Jon was

Also, what happened to the Reeds (Meera and Howland)?

Which is, honestly, Shit Writing 101. I jumped back in with Legion after years away, and the retconning and constant ‘The Horde is Evil, oh wait, not that evil, we gotta sell toys’ level of 1980's saturday morning cartoon writing is hot garbage.

Since when is “Game of Thrones” about how the quest for power can corrupt people and cause them to do terrible things!

Great job with the video. I’ve been making this argument, but referring people to your video is significantly easier. Like others have said, “if you were surprised by her turn to the dark side, you haven’t been paying attention”. 

The end results were always going to be like this I just wish they had a full season this year to break up some of these events. Making four little movies hurts GOT more than they may have envisioned. Even taking what they shot and breaking them up over a few more episodes would have created more cliffhangers for the

Completely agree there. From how she treated Jamie it seems like she either had no problem with what her father was doing (which maybe could count as another indicator of what was to come) but that never gets fleshed out at all. In that scene when he shows up in Winterfell I wanted Jamie to say something along the

If you think everyone is mad about her turning into the mad queen...that literally everyone I know that watches the show has seen haven’t been paying attention. Like at all. Jesus.

i’m seeing some similarities in Daenerys fans and Trump(GOP) voters in not wanting to believe what they are seeing/reading. many fans wrapped themselves up in her arc and wanted to believe she would bring a free and open society to Kings Landing and now that she won’t they’re pushing back and hating on the show.

Poison anyone?

Here, Here.

Two things I’ve been thinking about. One is that Dany never, in 8 seasons, engaged with the idea that her father was called the Mad King for a reason. The second is that her plan to “break the wheel” and ensure people lived happily and safely forever after made no sense when she was advocating the exact same

This episode left me feeling conflicted.

Not only does it show that Daenerys wasn’t the leader we thought she’d be, it also points a finger at us, the audience, for what behavior we were willing to accept—and against whom—before it finally crossed a line.

And it’s pretty insulting for ‘arm-chair quarterbacks’ to sit around and complain that the creators did things wrong just because the plot turned down a path they didn’t like, want, or see.  If half the people on the internet actually tried to write or film something for themselves, they’d discover that it’s REALLY

The point that most likely in my opinion drives the nail here, in this analysis, is that Daenerys has always been on the verge of making brash, cruel decisions and it always have come to her advisors (Selmy, Mormont, Varys, Tyrion) to steer her to a different course of action, saving her from extreme and devastating

Thank you for this. The outrage is so bogus it’s almost comical.

THANK YOU! Azor Ahai, these people complaining about last night’s episode must have been wearing blinders.

Burning KL to the ground is certainly one way to break the wheel, I’ll gotta admit.