
Then they can make their own update of the Vader Kenobi fight

but I feel more and more removed from the appeal of the source material with each revision and alternate take

I have no problem with it being a one night event either, because it’s vital at that point that Team: Living force a confrontation as fast as possible. If you think about it, Team: Dead are the perfect besiegers: their army doesn’t eat, it doesn’t have morale, it can wait in one position for years, and it can bring a

“There must be some way out of here, said The Joker to the Thief...”

Alright, so I have given this a lot of thought. And this is the only logical way it could end.

You clicked on article full of spoilers to bitch about a picture being a spoiler!

I knew that the think pieces were coming eventually, but from a narrative standpoint the focus of the movie just made the most sense the way they did it.

It really feels like they’ve “Superman Problemed” Captain Marvel here.

I have no idea how you can possibly describe anything I said as being an ass. Like, none. I have no idea where this kind of hostility comes from.

Plus, Nebula was fucking great throughout the entire movie and got one of the more interesting character arcs in a Marvel flick.

As much as I was mad that BW died because she is one of my fav Avengers in the films and the comics, I thought it made complete sense considering her arc and that that’s how Natasha is especially in the comics. Selfless to the end. What bothered me and most people is the aftermath. Tony got this huge send off, Cap got

I skipped right past the whole article to leave this comment, and I only clicked on the article to make this comment. So I’d appreciate not talking about Endgame, which I haven’t seen. But the header image for the article, which is on the front page of the site, has two spoilers in it. Technically two, I guess,

I know that I have a different perspective on this, and am not here to minimize a person’s feelings on the matter, but this hostility feels misplaced. Endgame was here to serve as a conclusion to a narrative arc, not to build up new characters. The hostility should be in the fact that Marvel hasn’t done enough

“Jon Snow joins in a political marriage with Sansa...

if we go by literary cues jon is the one that’s foretold in the prohecy as he’s of both Stark and Targaryan lineage...but as we’ve seen the series likes to buck against what is expected so I’m betting it’s actually...Podrick and lightbringer is his shaft.

It's almost like this article is clickbait....

How she found them exactly isn’t answered, unless you assume the “Where’s Fury?” scene at the end of Captain Marvel has already happened before the start of Endgame. all I can think of is Master Chief calling Cortana ‘Dead wife’.

Very curious to see how they do this. Master Chief has always been the ultimate blank-slate action game protagonist. He’s given *just enough* of an echo of a personality to not be a nothing character, but mostly he’s just a mask for the player to inhabit, and that’s what made him iconic.