
It’s not even that he’s a white male. He’s so... bland.

That we’ve now killed off Snoke only to have the Emperor be like “yeah but I was behind it all along, bitches!”

Sigh. I’m as big a fanboy of the first 6 SW movies as they come, but this new trilogy is killing me. For every addition I’ve enjoyed (most of the new cast is great, imo), there’s been something I didn’t like (VII’s retreads, some of the stuff debated ad nauseum about VIII), and that laugh at the end makes me think:

You should direct your anger at all the district attorneys and courts in the USA that let rapists walk free because they aren’t processing evidence and rape kits fast enough, if at all. Not to mention the lawyers who victim blame because she dressed or acted a certain way. 

It’s funny to see all these people saying that “the charges were dropped”,as if that makes him proven innocent (and a few morons even saying that the charges were “bullshit”).

try him for rape in sweden, i dont care about that, but the danger is if america gets their hands on him and gets convicted for the manning leaks. it’s massively important to NOT let him be convicted for that because that will set a new precedent that will be extremely chilling for any publisher looking to publish the

Of course this would be a topic of discussion. Someone always has to find the littlest details to complain about and make it into an issue.

After Force Awakens there were complaints and whatnot, but still at least a fun “Star Wars” film. The Last Jedi seriously felt like “Fuck you and the Force you rode in on Star Wars fans.”

if Disney bought out theaters they did a piss poor job of it, TLJ made half of what TFA made..Half... during a time where every movie is an event...

made tons of money, and came out on time and on budget.

Translation: Rian Johnson was the absolte wrong man for the last movie but don’t worry everything will magically workout this time because Rian Johnson won’t feel compelled to go off script this time.

I think you vastly underrate how much a decent portion of Stat Wars fans hated TLJ. Not just, oh it sucks, like what happened with the Prequels, but outright i hate this movie and it has soured me on all things Star Wars.

This would work so much better if they just didn’t let Jimmy in on it. 

Maisie Williams has grown into a damn good actress. She sold the hell out of it. “Oh no, HBO’s going to shoot me” was written all over her face. And damn, her hand shaking? I bought it. Cruel as hell, but impressive.

She really sold that. The shaking hands, tearing up, the look of fear in her eyes. A girl deserves an Emmy.

She sells it well though

So true! She did a great job selling it but Fallon’s immediate reaction gave it away. SIGH. But it was a good joke anyway. 

Don’t these people know better than to get on a bus with Keanu Reeves? 

yeah I remembered him floating consciousless but forgot about the scene on Nidalavir