Never read Kristen Stewart’s attempt at a poem.
Never read Kristen Stewart’s attempt at a poem.
Sure, I can see that. But I was a lot more self aware at 30 than I was at 23 or 24, I can tell you that. Also Robin Wright doesn’t have a history of being a violent piece of shit.
Technically even Leo shouldn’t be enough to land these women. He’s a name and a wallet but that’s about it.
Just having Sean Penn as your Dad is disturbing alone.
It just makes it all the more exciting!
Fuck I forgot Sean Penn had a daughter. I’m glad she’s got Robin Wright, I can’t imagine how disturbing it would be to be older than your father’s new girlfriend.
Jesus if they knew that and cut to her intentionally, that’s a special kind of tactless douche move.
This looks less like shade and more like “I’d rather be doing anything else as long as it wasn’t around all these people.” She looks tired, worn and sad, which losing a family member would easily explain. :(
Um, maybe she was distracted because she lost her father on Friday?
Marry me.
I don’t...WHO ARE THEY?!
For shame. This is the most victim blamey piece of nonsense I’ve seen.
This. Mentioning the dog doesn’t erase mentioning everything else, nor does it have to be portrayed as more important, or as important. I find it strange that people would read a suggestion of this detail and act like that was the intention.
That matters a lot to me, too. You can care about the people AND the dogs.
Mentioning the dog wouldn’t be so much of an improper prioritization as it could be used as maybe an insight into the mind of whichever of the adults committed this horrible tragedy.
She’s Britney, bitch.
Years ago I saw a psychic and she said I was a major ladies man who had girlfriends all over the place.