oh I’m right there with you
oh I’m right there with you
This is the most perfect use of this gif.
I guess this is what my dad meant when he posted on Facebook the day after the election, “I woke up in America today.”
This was by far the most excellent edition of Shade Court. Better than, dare I say, Night Court.
While I totally agree with you, the fact is that the SA’s office has completely bungled these cases. It really pisses me off that these officers will all be found not guilty because of inept lawyers.
Donald Trump, a man who is actually three bigoted baby Muppets stacked on top of one another
There is, to my knowledge, one other person in the country with my name. When I was in college, I found her phone # and an internet page where she sold books she wrote about Jesus. My friends and I used to drunk dial her a lot (we were in our early 20s, so sue me), and leave incoherent messages for her until she…
If that baby had a gun to protect herself and her family, we wouldn’t be in this situation. Duh
Can someone enlighten be on why that Nev dude is a creep? Honestly, he’s always struck me as creepy, but I have no evidence of this.
Ok, I’ll say “garbage people” instead.
While I completely agree with you about Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead and The Craft, HOW DARE YOU with your Empire Records comment! How dare you, sir.
This is the best use of this, or any, gif ever in the history of gifs.
That woman is a goddamn national treasure.
A+ name, my friend.
This has GOT to be Florida.
For real, y’all—fuck James Franco. He is the worst kind of person.