cruisin' b. anthony

I feel like Beep, the show, would profile the misadventures of an old VW bug that could talk.

As a social worker, I support this 100%.

Tell us more!

This was my theory exactly.

So let me get this straight. The nanny accidentally sent a text to the dad, which was meant for her friend. THEN he recorded him firing her for said offense? I don’t know California laws, and maybe a lawyer can confirm, but from what I know from watching The Good Wife, recording someone unknowingly is illegal in most

Damn! I’ve heard of this person, but I take pride in never having seen their show and avoiding most Kardashian-related news (as impossible as that is). The most Kardashian action I get is that OJ show, and that’s enough for me.

Does it make me an old that I have NO IDEA who this is?

But NO NATTY BOH in the ballpark as of this season! What in the actual hell?

You’re an idiot. About 15% of people in the U.S. that are HIV+ don’t even know they’re positive. Of the ~85% that do know their status, not all are honest when having that discussion with their partners, and not all even have that discussion with partners. Also, as someone else commented, condoms break and people

Sure, but this isn’t about you and how you, as an individual treat other humans. This is about systemic bullshit homophobia that people experience in society, especially in the bible belt.

It’s not terrible, but it’s nowhere near as engaging as the first season. There is a lot of repetition, as if they’re just trying to fill time.

Right, because we can’t be upset about more than one thing at a time, right? I always forget that these things are mutually exclusive.

I, too, just started watching it a few weeks ago. We sure have been missing out.

This is exert-level gif-ery.

Does the CDC know that lesbians are a thing? Not all women that are “sexually active” are hosting dick.

Not to be flippant, but this is why you should NEVER name your children Chase, Tanner, or Sage. They will grow up to be garbage people.

Actually, Jay did not lead the cops to Hae’s body—Mr. S did. He was the janitor who found her body while he was peeing in the woods, remember? Jay only led the cops to Hae’s abandoned car, after giving them two incorrect locations first.

I’m going to Thailand in March and am curious as to what I have in store for me. Please share.

Should we be expecting more out of a place named Christ Hospital?

I’m so sorry that happened to you. It’s bananas that even in a progressive city like Chicago, they would be total bozos about this.