cruisin' b. anthony

Wow, just the multiple levels of entitlement at play here is amazing. Filmmaker being “oppressed” by a critic? Cry me a fucking river. The privilege of making and putting out your art goes hand in hand with criticism. Successful artists who whine about critics or the content of the criticism are the worst. Criticism

Especially since according to studies being friends with an ex is more likely to make any new relationships fail! Yeah, it’s often not a great idea.

wealth and white. so of course no consequences.

We knew it would happen one day. Shade court appointments are for life, but life is finite.

Maybe if we’re lucky, next year will see Kara in front of the Shade Court backdrop, captioned

Way harsh, Tai.

She was super fun on Broad City. Hilarious episode.

Will you survive? Maeby.

Today is that day for me. My mind is blown! Then again, that’s all Catholic stuff and I was raised Evangelical Protestant.

Been here since ‘07. GraysRUs.

What I got from this article is that someone willingly married Jason Sudeikis. Will wonders never cease?

Are you kidding? Do you think you’re the only vegetarian in the world? My family is Indian—we’ve been vegetarian for generations. And lol at “everyone.” Plenty of people are involved in efforts to end lion hunting and animal abuse in general. And if the Internet outrage about Cecil did nothing more than raise

A nice life doesn’t generally end in being shot and killed. That’s not usually something people include as part of what they’d call “a nice life.” Just say you don't care.

soooo gooooooood

Oh wow, another misogynist woman-hating teenager who wants to murder women en masse because he was rejected by a female. This shit is getting real old. People - stop raising your boys to think that they are *owed* a woman. We are people, we have agency, we are NOT prizes that one can “win” by being nice or because you

I assume the Ben Carson solution would have been for all the cheerleaders to send him nudes at once...

Good for her. There's no reason for her to take that shit.

I feel like it’s really really really not my place to tell a black woman how to feel about Rachel Dolezal. Nor is it my place to judge her feelings. And I’d be kind of uncomfortable if Bobby went there.

That’s the kind of dedication I’ve come to expect from Lucille 2.