cruisin' b. anthony

Minka, noooooooooooo

I’m refusing to acknowledge this tweet as full-on shade until Judge Kara rules that it is so. Just saying.

I’m basing my support for them on the fact that he says they could have called him. Therein lies the hallmark of every narcissist father. If you’re the parent, you’re the one who picks up the phone, you’re the one who visits, you’re the one who is there.

yea, but, Kurt Russell was in Big Trouble in Little China.

It was never good. It’s a ridiculous soap opera. Any hospital that ran like that one would be shut in a week and half the doctors would lose their licenses.

A million stars for ‘struggle beef.’

I need shade 101 because Katherine Heigl doesn't sound like shade even with the context. Maybe I need to hear her say it.

The world would be a better place if they’d axed Grey’s Anatomy 10 years ago, and if that’s before it even started, all the better. I can only live in hope that the upcoming season sees and tractor trailer truck run over Meredith Gray!

That man throws more shade with a smile and a laugh than the whole fucking redwood forest.

I truly hope this is the beginning of the “I Don’t Even Give A Fuck Anymore Tour” from the Obama family because, seriously, they deserve it.

I did not realize that there were a finite amount of rights to give out. Now I feel bad that for every gay marriage, a straight couple will have to do without. Can’t we just manufacture MORE rights, so, like, everyone can have them? It’s simple logic.

Jill Biden tweeted that Joe Biden is running around the office with a gay pride flag worn as a cape. I so want pictures of that

My favorite one is the guy who seems to think rights are a finite resource, so if you grant rights to a new group, other groups have to give some rights up. It's a redistribution of rights, I guess.

Drowning in bigot tears!

“Just give everything to the black, gays and illeagls and we as AMERICANS watch them realy distroy this what used to be “GREAT COUNTRY.”

They’re going to need more pearls.

i really really can’t believe that these people are real. i know that they are real but a part of me just can’t believe that they believe in what they’re saying. i guess satire has made them into caricatures for me.

“This will make ISIS really love us now!”

You would think that any rational person would question a strong belief of theirs if it so happened to align perfectly with ISIS.

When you give rights to the minority, you take rights away from the majority—-simple logic.